We are looking for

通路發展部 銀行保險通路發展人員 Account Officer

Last update 12.09.2024
1. 通路關係開發經營與維繫
2. 專案商品提案與推動(含促銷獎勵/各式訓練/活動策畫等)
3. 達成公司業務目標(保費&占比)
4. 通知與執行公司相關政策
5. 內部行政協調
6. 執行KYI RM的相關業務(如:蒐集合作通路相關資訊與文件並更新)
7. 其他主管交辦事項
1. 2年以上保險公司經驗
2. 良好理解能力與表達能力、可居中溝通協調
3. 簡報技巧與提案、整合能力
4. 團隊合作、具抗壓與當責能力
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  • What if we told you that working in our Group isn’t quite what you might think? At BNP Paribas, we do a multitude of different jobs that are constantly evolving to meet the expectations of our clients and society as a whole. Whether through everyday tasks or major projects, doing one of our jobs means making a personal commitment to taking sustainable action.

  • Feeling good about your job means bringing your whole self to work and being who you are. It’s also about having the resources you need to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Both of these are major commitments at BNP Paribas.

  • At BNP Paribas, developing your skills is as important to us as it is to you. And the skills you learn with us will help you through the rest of your working life.

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