Our governance


The Compliance function helps ensure that BNP Paribas remains a trustworthy Bank, not only by complying with laws and regulations, but also by complying with the spirit of laws and regulations.

The Compliance function is evolving. Regulatory, geopolitical and societal changes place Compliance at the crossroads of the strategy and everyday action of the Group and its customers.

Compliance also has to ensure the security of the Group, its business lines and territories, which implies adapting to the growing demands of regulators, customers and public opinion.

The BNP Paribas Group Code of Conduct

The BNP Paribas Code of Conduct offers guiding principles that revolve around seven main themes: customers’ interests, financial security, market integrity, professional ethics, respect for colleagues, Group protection, involvement with Society.

The updated Code of Conduct also includes an addendum dedicated to anti-corruption.

Download the Code Of Conduct

Know Your Client (KYC)

The KYC Domain defines the Group policies related to client knowledge (identification, information and documentation, risk assessment, acceptance process) and monitors their enforcement. It assists the Business Lines in the policies implementation and operational efficiency. It also defines the generic control plan and key metrics related to the KYC process.

Financial Security

The “Group Financial Security” (GFS) domain is a department divided into two teams, one located in Paris and the other in NYC. GFS Paris is primarily responsible for the prevention of money laundering and the fight against corruption and terrorist financing, while the main role of GFS U.S. is to supervise and coordinate the Group’s efforts to comply with U.S. and other international sanctions and embargoes.

*Group Financial Security

Find Financial Security publications

Protection of Interests of Clients (PIC)

The mission of the « Protection of Interests of Clients » (PIC) domain is to make sure that BNP Paribas clients are offered products and services that truly meet their needs and are provided with clear and accurate information on product features, costs and risks.

In that purpose, the PIC domain is ensuring Compliance with complex and changing local regulations designed to protect the clients’ interests throughout the duration of its relationship with the clients and throughout the life cycle of all products and services that BNP Paribas develops or sells.

Market Integrity

The “Market Integrity” domain is committed to ensure the Group activities compliance with:

  1. the rules applicable to : circulation of confidential and privileged information and prevention of insider trading, operations on financial instruments, pre and post market transparency rules, prevention and detection of market abuse, detection and management of conflict-of-interest situation.
  2. the rules governing the organisation and rules of conduct applicable to the Group as a producer of financial services and instruments.

Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics refer to the professional behavior of the Group’s employees: the domain ensures that their private interests do not prevail over the professional responsibilities of the Group’s employees. As such, the domain establishes professional conduct rules, part of the Group Code of Conduct, aiming at protecting the Group and its employees against the risk of corruption, market abuse and conflicts of interests.

Heike, Storm Watcher: discover her Unexpected Job

Heike's job is to play detective and observe every detail with constant concentration to stay one step ahead, just like in a game of draughts (also known as checkers). Discover her Unexpected Job through this video.

© Studio Firma/Stocksy, Ievgen Skrypko, Yves Durand, Yves Durand