We are looking for

客戶諮詢管理部 電話客服人員 Customer Consultancy Management - Call Center

Last update 20.03.2025
1. 提供服務予來電查詢之客戶、準客戶、通路夥伴及業務夥伴。
2. 電話、線上解決來電者的問題。
3. 電話外撥執行法令相關規範電訪作業。
4. 電話外撥通知保戶繳交保險費未成功者。
5. 保戶終止保單時,進行電話回訪處理程序。
6. 協助單位達成目標,並確認服務品質。
7. 主管交辦事項


1. 具備一年以上保險業客戶服務/電話行銷等相關經驗
2. 有同理心,協助處理抱怨與安撫客戶能力
3. 熟悉電腦操能力
4. 可以接受輪值週六及特定假日。(周日除外)
5. 純客服諮詢,無需推廣業務。
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Working in Sales and Client Relations at BNP Paribas is all about helping clients on a daily basis, and supporting them at important times in their personal and professional lives.

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Basically, why would you want to join BNP Paribas over any other company?


  • What if we told you that working in our Group isn’t quite what you might think? At BNP Paribas, we do a multitude of different jobs that are constantly evolving to meet the expectations of our clients and society as a whole. Whether through everyday tasks or major projects, doing one of our jobs means making a personal commitment to taking sustainable action.

  • Feeling good about your job means bringing your whole self to work and being who you are. It’s also about having the resources you need to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Both of these are major commitments at BNP Paribas.

  • At BNP Paribas, developing your skills is as important to us as it is to you. And the skills you learn with us will help you through the rest of your working life.

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