We are looking for

Analista Atuarial Sênior

Principais Atividades:

  • Cálculos de provisões técnicas (visão local e Casa Matriz), Capital Mínimo Requerido, TAP, Direito Creditório e demais acompanhamentos
  • Análise das movimentações dos Quadros Estatísticos, e envio à SUSEP
  • Participação / realização do Fechamento mensal e trimestral da Cia. (visão local e Casa Matriz)
  • Suporte na construção das bases de IFRS17
  • Suporte no atendimento à Auditoria, SUSEP e Demonstrações Financeiras
  • Acompanhamento do resultados da carteira
  • Realização de cálculo de remunerações adicionais aos parceiros

O que te torna ideal para essa vaga:

  • Superior completo em Ciências Atuarias, Matemática, Estatística, Econômia, Finanças e afins
  • Conhecimento na área de Fechamento Atuarial/Reservas
  • Ferramentas: Pacote office, especialmente Excel intermediário/avançado; 
  • Desejável conhecimento em programação Python e SQL.
  • Conhecimento em linguagens de programação (Python e SQL).
  • Diferencial: MIBA
  • Inglês Intermediário - Desejável
Interested by our offer? Don't wait any longer!

Discover the different professions within BNP Paribas: Financing and Investment

Working in a financing and investment role at BNP Paribas involves supporting our corporate clients - from start-ups to the largest corporates - and institutions to develop their business strategies and to support their investment and project funding within local markets as well as internationally.

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Why should I apply?

Basically, why would you want to join BNP Paribas over any other company?


  • What if we told you that working in our Group isn’t quite what you might think? At BNP Paribas, we do a multitude of different jobs that are constantly evolving to meet the expectations of our clients and society as a whole. Whether through everyday tasks or major projects, doing one of our jobs means making a personal commitment to taking sustainable action.

  • Feeling good about your job means bringing your whole self to work and being who you are. It’s also about having the resources you need to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Both of these are major commitments at BNP Paribas.

  • At BNP Paribas, developing your skills is as important to us as it is to you. And the skills you learn with us will help you through the rest of your working life.

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