Job Title:
Associate Level 1
Business Line / Function:
Reports to:
(if applicable)
Number of Direct Reports:
Directorship / Registration:
Position Purpose
Provide a brief description of the overall purpose of the position, why this position exists and how it will contribute in achieving the team’s goal.
The Custody – Corporate Actions Department is very important and critical process, of handling Corporate Actions for the clients globally. The Global custody processing in BNP Paribas Securities Services are segregated into Corporate Actions, Income and Tax for operational efficiency and accuracy. Corporate Actions are further divided into Mandatory, Voluntary and DVOP teams.
An Senior Associate, in the CA department performs a pivot and critical task of processing and having full control on the daily BAU as per the Standing operating procedure for the particular process / team
Direct Responsibilities
¡ Cross-checking information received with other data sources
¡ Reverting to local sub-custodians to clarify/solve any open issue.
¡ Analysing the corporate event in order to anticipate any reporting or processing issues.
¡ Setting-up of financial information into the Custody system
¡ Collecting and relay any update related to the corporate event on an on-going basis.
¡ Processing the securities reconciliation with sub-custodians client positions at the different steps of the event.
¡ Checking eligible positions of accounts within the local sub-custodian
¡ Checking that all eligible positions have been instructed at response deadline (for voluntary events only)
¡ Consolidating client instructions (for voluntary events only)
¡ Advising local market by sending instructions of participation to sub-custodian (for voluntary events only)
¡ Checking that instructions of participation have been duly acknowledged by sub-custodian.
¡ Tracking of the payment date of the event in order to advise clients accordingly
¡ Processing payment of the event on client’s account upon recovery of cash and/or securities from the local sub-custodian
¡ Processing foreign exchange orders according to client’s set up.
¡ Processing any manual adjustment related to cash or securities in order to finalize the recovery process
¡ Justifying any cash or securities breaks to Control Teams
¡ is happening on periodic basis.
¡ Participate in Brain Storming Sessions and share the best practices and ideas with the peer groups and team members.
¡ Consistently evaluate and update documented procedures to ensure they are complete, accurate and current.
¡ Perform daily controls on team activity as per existing check lists to ensure priorities have been respected and tasks have been correctly performed.
¡ Escalate to the Team Leader any incident or operational risk.
¡ Manage risk and priorities applying the existing procedures
¡ To assist in providing the figures for the monthly KPI
¡ To be based in Chennai and prepared to travel as required.
¡ Must be prepared to work in any shift supporting Asia/Americas/European business hours.
Technical & Behavioral Competencies
¡ Strong knowledge in handling corporate actions and income related events for various instrument types
¡ Expertise in Using Banking Software’s & overall awareness of using MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.
¡ Able to clearly understand and envisage the SWIFT messages (MT564, MT565, MT567, MT568, MT599 etc). The Associate should read through the SWIFT message very comfortably and act on the amendments in the message ( Field - 23C: NEWM / REPL / CANC/ REVR etc)
¡ To create events for the respective teams (Mandatory, Voluntary, Income, DVOP & Tax) by analyzing and understanding the SWIFT messages with error free processing and high standards.
¡ Should be well versed in checking Client inbound and analyze whether the particular client / trade is eligible for the CA.
¡ Need to perform the Entitlement and Eligibility reconciliation to forecast the payments and holdings in the future.
¡ Should be able to research and analyze the Nostri and Pivot breaks, then acting upon in resolving the breaks.
¡ Should be able to comfortably process the payments (Security & Cash) from MT 566 messages received without error and within specified time bound .
¡ Should be able to create instructions (Manual Instructions also) and deposit the message with due -diligence and accuracy.
Specific Qualifications (if required)
Skills Referential
Behavioural Skills: (Please select up to 4 skills)
Ability to collaborate / Teamwork
Attention to detail / rigor
Choose an item.
Transversal Skills: (Please select up to 5 skills)
Analytical Ability
Ability to understand, explain and support change
Ability to develop and adapt a process
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Education Level:
Master Degree or equivalent
Experience Level
At least 3 years
Other/Specific Qualifications (if required)