Main purpose
The primary purpose of the role is to execute the internal audit framework of the Company in order to protect the integrity of its activities and reputation. This role forms part of the Inspection Générale, which provides objective assurance on the Governance, Risk management and Internal control systems and processes while highlighting risks to Top Management and BNP Paribas Group globally
Key responsibilities
- Verify the existence and proper application of regulations applicable to RCS and BNP Paribas, as well as the internal rules defined by RCS and BNP Paribas policies;
- Verify the absence of major weaknesses in the internal control system and its consistency with Group entities, as well as the reliability of the financial, operational and management data;
- Evaluate the appropriateness of the methods and procedures and the efficiency of the management and control processes used within RCS and BNP Paribas;
- Verify that the methods used in acquiring, allocating and preserving RCS and BNP Paribas’s internal resources- human, technological, material, etc. are cost effective;
- Assess management's ability to fulfil its responsibilities, display leadership qualities and define management objectives;
- Formulate quality findings and recommendations in order to remediate the identified gaps pertaining to referents;
- Verify the methods adopted by management for achieving objectives and for implementing the strategies and action plans defined by the Company in accordance with the general policies of BNP Paribas.
- Participate in the annual risk assessment process by analyzing relevant audit units for RCS;
- Follow up on all recommendations issued and assigned to the business;
- Assist in the production of the periodic reporting requested locally or by IG Head office.
- Assume responsibility for managing junior internal audit team members, providing the required coaching, guidance and oversight.
- Assume responsibility for continuing professional development by completing all required training and staying abreast of all regulations affecting RCS and BNP.
- Act as second in charge to the Head: Internal Audit.
Key competencies
- Strong organisation skills
- Adaptability and proactivity
- Capacity to analyze and synthesize complex information in a short period of time
- Quick capacity to understand multilayered processes within the entity
- Ability to work in a team in a stimulating and demanding environment
- Ability to lead interviews with auditees
- Ability to summarize, conclude and document audit work
- High communication skills, both written and verbal in English
Qualification, Skills and Experience
- Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Accounting, Finance or Internal Audit
- Certified Internal Auditor or equivalent would be advantageous
- At least 5 years’ practical experience working in an internal or external auditing environment
- Knowledge of banking practices in credit risk, market or operational management
- Knowledge of compliance standards in the financial sector
- Knowledge of Basel III regulatory framework and European Banking Authority (EBA) Guidelines would be an asset
- Good knowledge in Data Analytics, preferable in Power BI and / or Tableau would be beneficial
- Good presentation skills
Découvrez les métiers de BNP Paribas : Audit, Conformité, Risques et Juridique
Le paysage réglementaire de notre secteur évolue rapidement et nous nous devons d’être irréprochables ! Pour exercer un métier à fortes responsabilités et prendre part à des décisions stratégiques pour le bon fonctionnement de BNP Paribas, découvrez les opportunités offertes dans les métiers de l’audit, de la conformité, des risques et du juridique.
En savoir plusPourquoi je candidaterais ?
Pour quelles raisons je rejoindrais BNP Paribas et pas une autre entreprise ?
Parce que je souhaite...
Et si on vous disait que travailler dans notre Groupe, ce n’est pas ce que vous croyez ? Chez BNP Paribas, on exerce une multitude de métiers qui évoluent en permanence pour être en phase avec les attentes des clientes et clients comme de la société. Au travers d’actions du quotidien ou de grands projets, exercer l’un de nos métiers, c’est s’engager pour agir durablement.
Se sentir bien dans son job, c’est avant tout venir travailler comme on est. C’est aussi avoir les moyens d’un bon équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle et sa vie personnelle. Deux engagements majeurs pour BNP Paribas.
Chez BNP Paribas, le développement de vos compétences est essentiel, pour vous comme pour nous. Et cela vous servira pour toute votre vie professionnelle.