Audit, Compliance, Risk and Legal
So if you want to work in a job that gives you a high level of responsibility and the chance to be involved in strategic decision-making at BNP Paribas, discover more about the opportunities offered in these high-impact jobs.
What does a career in Audit, Compliance, Risk and Legal offer?
The financial industry regulatory landscape is constantly changing, and we must achieve 100% compliance at all times!
Audit, Compliance, Risk and Legal are four independent, but complementary, areas of expertise:
- Risk roles support the Group’s long-term business development. Our specialists analyse, produce forecasts and make recommendations on a broad range of issues, including credit and counterparty risk, market risk, financing and liquidity risk, and operational, environmental and social risk.
- Compliance roles are central to BNP Paribas’ strategic risk management. Operating in an environment where regulatory, geopolitical and societal changes are becoming increasingly frequent and complex. The work undertaken by our compliance specialists contributes to protecting the ongoing security of the Group by ensuring that we comply fully with all regulations in any part of our business.
- Audit (Inspection Générale) roles audit all BNP Paribas entities to assess every aspect of their governance, risk management and internal control framework. Whether generalists or specialists (in IT, financial markets, etc.). Our experts carry out around 1,000 assignments in some 60 countries every year.
- Legal roles represent a wide range of skills required to support the ongoing development of BNP Paribas, while also ensuring that legal risks are appropriately controlled, the business activities and employees of BNP Paribas are legally secure, and that the appropriate checks and balances are in place.
employees in the Group worldwide.
Why should you choose BNP Paribas for your career in Auditing, Compliance, Risk or Legal?
- To contribute as an advisor on a broad range of strategic issues, including fraud, corruption, regulatory compliance, brand or image risk, financial security and many others!
- To ensure that the bank’s activities are carried out according to the highest levels of integrity in order to safeguard the interests of our clients.
- If you aspire to take on greater responsibility by providing input for decisions of strategic importance to the Group.
- To develop your career through a diversity of professional opportunities, from Auditor to Legal Officer, Risk Analyst, Compliance Officer and many other roles...
- To benefit from the strong international dimension of these careers within the Group and become part of a strong, close-knit community.
What career development prospects di these role offer?
Working in Audit, Compliance, Risk or Legal at BNP Paribas opens the door to:
- Quickly building a broad network of professional contacts based on a 360° vision of the Group and working collaboratively with BNP Paribas business lines on a daily basis.
- Regular training which keeps you up to date with the essential information and requirements of the latest regulations
- Accelerating your career by assuming roles with a significant degree of responsibility which earn a high degree of trust and respect across the organisation.
Do you have a qualified background in Audit, Compliance, Risk or Legal? Then we have opportunities for you.
Our Audit, Compliance, Risk and Legal vacancies

"We want to make sure that the storm doesn't break out over the bank, or overflow to affect society as a whole."