• Sustainable finance

Social performance and microfinance

At BNP Paribas, we have made financial inclusion and social entrepreneurship key commitments in our corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy, in line with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 8 and 10. That’s why we grant loans to microfinance institutions, so that they in turn can offer microloans to disadvantaged populations who are excluded from the traditional banking system.

BNP Paribas measures the social performance of all the MFIs the Group supports. But what is social impact and how does the bank measure it? Test your knowledge of scoring and CSR performance indicators with Alain Lévy, Head of Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship for America and Asia at BNP Paribas

Social performance and microfinance

In order to meet more effectively the needs of customers looking for savings & investments products with a positive social impact, or clients wishing to measure their own social and environmental impact, BNP Paribas has introduced an overall impact assessment methodology for use with regard to all companies and organisations which seek to make a positive impact through their activities : MESIS. This tool enables the impact which a Social Enterprise or Social Economy organisation has on its beneficiaries or on society as whole, pursuant to its mission, to be described and quantified. MESIS is a unique tool, which combines a selection process, target-setting and annual assessment during the investment period – a dynamic approach that enables ongoing performance to be monitored at the time of original investment, at mid-term and at maturity. In the longer term, it is intended that MESIS will become recognised as a standard assessment tool for the Impact Investing sector in France, which will eventually enable the consolidation of sector-based monitoring and the establishment of benchmarks.

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