BNP Paribas, a committed player in microfinance
In fact, it was in Africa, nearly 30 years ago, that BNP Paribas granted its first loan to a Microfinance Institution (MFI). Since then, the Group’s support has expanded and BNP Paribas now uses the full range of resources available to meet the needs of MFIs. With more than 2 million beneficiaries worldwide and the creation of Microfinance Institutions in Belgium (MicroStart) and Luxembourg (Microlux), BNP Paribas microfinance has experienced a strong growth dynamic in recent years.
BNP Paribas microfinance key figures*
years of support
total support for microfinance
IMFIs financed in 33 countries
women have received support
average rating of MFIs supported by BNP Paribas (compared to 64/100 for other MFIs)
Little Big Movement For the past 30 years, BNP Paribas has been supporting women entrepreneurs and encouraging them to change the game.
Read our stories about women entrepreneurs the world over.
Discover*BNP Paribas estimated microfinance figures since 1989