Meet Andrea Desilles, Product Owner, French Commercial Banking
"The heart of my job is people"
Andréa observes others, listens to them, takes notes... Psychologist? No. Anthropologist? Not at all! Andréa is a Product Owner, or as she puts it: a creator of innovative & sustainable solutions. Her role: to gather requests from her internal clientele at BNP Paribas and design, from A to Z, applications with a positive impact. Meet a real ideas machine!
"Product Owner" sounds like a job for a geek glued to his screen, doesn't it?
Andréa: Try again! My role is to take a very abstract request - a solution to help customers with insecure revenue sources, for example - and turn it into an application. My method? Interviews, workshops, a lot of listening to understand user needs and create a path adapted to their expectations, test it and then deploy it. The heart of my job is people, not technology. My greatest joy: receiving e-mails from satisfied users!
Is it important to have more woman in tech?
Andréa: Gender diversity in tech is a cause close to my heart. For a long time now, I've been working in secondary schools to guide young girls who love science towards careers in tech. Today, thanks to BNP Paribas' partnership with “Like Ton Job”, I'm able to introduce children to these professions through fun workshops. They spend an hour working on an app and learning about design thinking. It's an extra human dimension of a job that has so many of them!
You're at a dinner party with friends, and everyone is talking about their company. What would you like them to understand about yours?
Andréa: I'd like them to know that we work every day on both the ecological and the just transition. My friends think that nothing has changed in the banking sector. But that's not true! I'm impressed to see the number of people mobilized and the variety of projects they’re involved into accelerate the transition for all our customers, from individuals to major groups.
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