• Innovation

ARGIO: a smart brick reducing energy bill

In collaboration with L'Atelier BNP Paribas, the Group has created "Change It", a video magazine that presents innovation in all its forms. It aims to identify the most innovative start-ups and offers insights into their operations around the world.

Whereas buildings are responsible for over one third of CO2 emissions in Europe, essentially due to their warming needs, ARGIO just created a revolutionary brick consuming 95% less energy than a traditional one, and offering a smart temperature regulating system: it absorbs heat in summer and gives it off gently back in winter, thus avoiding any additional radiator. 

Argio consumes very little energy for its production: 80 % less than the average of other construction materials. Clay, sand, a little lime and water: Argio is 100% safe and hypoallergenic, totally recyclable.

With Argio, you will not have problems due to unpleasant variation of temperature and humidity. Indeed, Argio regulates temperature through its thermal inertia: it absorbs heat in summer and cold in winter.

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