Press release 2004-12-02 BNP Paribas combines the activities of B*capital and Cortal Consors as of January 1st, 2005
Press release 2004-11-30 Cetelem And Dresdner Bank Strengthen Their Partnership With a Major Agreement
Press release 2004-11-29 BNP Paribas Asset Management selects BNP Paribas Securities Services for its Middle Office and...
Press release 2004-11-23 investors rate BNP Paribas number one primary dealer in french treasury survey
Press release 2004-11-23 BNP Paribas reinforces its position on the Turkish Banking market and acquires 50% of the...
Press release 2004-11-22 BNP Paribas Asset Management and Fauchier Partners merge interests to create a major fund of...
Press release 2004-11-17 BancWest Corporation Completes Acquisitions of Community First Bankshares and USDB Bancorp
Press release 2004-10-26 BNP Paribas Real Estate wins Euros 200 million portfolio management mandate from Luxembourg...
Press release 2004-10-25 BNP Paribas launches unique online trading platform to market structured credit linked notes and...
Press release 2004-10-25 BNP Paribas Immobilier acquires the balance of 50.1% of Atisreal International from Vendôme Rome
Press release 2004-10-20 BNP Paribas successfully closed Leveraged Finance Europe Capital III B.V., its third managed...
Press release 2004-09-30 BNP Paribas announces senior appointments to reinforce growth in leveraged finance and high...
Press release 2004-09-30 BNP Paribas Asset Management is the first foreign AM to obtain a Certificate of Registration for...
Press release 2004-09-20 BNP Paribas to strengthen its private banking franchise through two separate acquisitions in Monaco
Press release 2004-09-14 BNP Paribas Asset Management wins a European mid-cap equity mandate from the Swedish Pension...