BMCI, a leading banking player in Morocco
BMCI set itself the task of contributing to the financing of the Moroccan economy by becoming the leading innovative and responsible financial partner for its individual and corporate customers. The bank is now ranked 7th in the Moroccan market in terms of deposits, with a market share of 5% at the end of 2017, and ranked 6th in terms of credit, with a market share of 6% over the same period.
In 2015, the BMCI launched an ambitious transformation plan: The bank has taken five years to increase its attractiveness to institutional players in the market, to the regulator and, above all, to customers. It is by placing the latter at the centre of its transformation plan that the bank intends to consolidate its benchmark positioning in the retail and corporate markets while supporting the expertise of private banking and consumer credit. And to support its digital transformation, the BMCI launched its own lab in Casablanca: La Cantine Digitale. The start-ups incubator, which is based on open innovation, hosts innovative projects to create tomorrow's products and services.
BMCI is...
Over 330
subsidiaries and specialised entities: Corporate Finance, Asset Management, Market Transactions, Leasing, etc.
More than 3,000
A historical presence on the Moroccan market
The BNP Paribas Group's commitment to Morocco is not new. As early as 1906, and throughout the first half of the twentieth century, the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (Paribas) played an important role in the development of the Moroccan economy, in liaison with the Banque d'Etat du Maroc (BEM). For its part, the Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BNCI), BNP Paribas' ancestor, has been developing its activities in Morocco in 1940 through its subsidiary, BNCI Africa. In 1964, BNCI created a subsidiary in association with independent Morocco, which takes the name of Banque Marocaine pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BMCI). This led to an important period of development: Regular strategic plans and a series of mergers and acquisitions involving leading Moroccan players allowed the bank to consolidate, over the long term, its position as a privileged financial partner of the Moroccan market.
More recently, the launch of a consumer credit service (2005), the creation of private banking (2010) and the introduction of a participatory finance offer (2018) are all initiatives demonstrating the BMCI's ability to adapt to the changing expectations of its clients in Morocco. A societal commitment that was also reflected in the creation, in 2008, of the Fondation BMCI in favour of Morocco's social and cultural development, as well as in an official partnership on the occasion of the United Nations Climate Conference (COP 22) in 2016, at the heart of the bank's CSR concerns.
Merger of BMCI with ABN Amro Bank Maroc
Creation of BMCI Crédit Conso & BMCI - Cetelem Partnership
Creation of the Fondation BMCI
Launch of the private banking business
Merger between Cetelem Maroc and the BMCI Group
Merger of BMCI and BMCI Crédit Conso (BCC) - BCC becomes a business line within BMCI
BMCI is an official partner of UN COP 22
Preparation for the launch of the participatory finance activity under the BMCI Najmah label
3 strategic angles to support Moroccan growth
With the implementation of the 2020 transformation plan, it is a whole business model that is being reinvented to:- Offer more proximity between customers and BMCI, through the integration of innovative services in line with their needs;
- Optimise and de-materialise internal processes, in order to strengthen customer satisfaction and accelerate the processing of requests;
- Create a more collaborative and agile ‘Good place to work’, in which employees become ‘collaborators’ for change.
In line with the Group's development plan, the BMCI strategy translates into concrete actions to finance and support players of the real economy. For example, last February, the BMCI signed a 20 million euros partnership with the EBRD for the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) Morocco. This loan enables the bank to increase its support for financing the green economy. Since 2017, the BMCI is also a partner of Kluster, the social and solidarity startups incubator of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Morocco. Incubated free of charge for 18 months, start-ups benefit in particular from a mentoring programme by sponsors, such as the BMCI.
A bank committed to women
As a partner of the Women in Africa (WIA) initiative dedicated to women's entrepreneurship in Africa, BMCI actively contributes to the promotion of gender equality, both on the African continent and elsewhere. As part of this partnership, the BMCI organises thematic meetings around topics that include the promotion of women in business, and the involvement of men alongside women. In 2018, two of these meetings were held.
In September 2018, BMCI also signed a partnership agreement with the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) to support Women in Business, a programme to provide financing and technical assistance to SMEs run by women. In this way, the BMCI is committed to supporting women entrepreneurs in Morocco by providing them not only financial but also strategic, marketing, management and development support internationally. The objective: Give them every chance to succeed!
Also internally, the BMCI follows a proactive and committed gender equality policy. Since 2017, the structure has had 50% female employees, of whom 39% are managers, 35% are members of the Executive Committee and 21% are members of the Supervisory Board. The bank was ranked first in the “2018 award on gender equality in the workplace” (Les Trophées 2018 de l’égalité professionnelle Femme-Homme), organised by the Ministry of Labour and Professional Integration of Morocco.
BMCI Foundation: 10 years of citizen involvement
Created in 2008 as part of the bank's CSR policy, the BMCI Foundation continues the corporate philanthropy initiatives carried out by the bank since the 1990's in the areas of solidarity and culture. Education, disability, music and publishing are the main areas of action of the Foundation, which focuses on supporting the social integration of vulnerable populations, optimising cultural development in public schools, promoting heritage, and supporting Moroccan artists.
Through its Foundation and all its actions, the BMCI provides support and dialogue to the actors who are building the Moroccan society of tomorrow.
10 years of the BMCI Foundation // © Arrêt sur Image
A business model recognized by Vigeo Eiris
In June 2018, Vigeo Eiris, an independent international extra-financial analysis agency, gave BMCI the 3rd place in its “Best Emerging Markets Performers ranking”. The study relies on 6 key areas of analysis to assess the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance of more than 800 companies: Environment, societal commitment, market behaviour, human rights, governance and human resources.
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