Group 2022-07-14 BNP Paribas client offering and longstanding net-zero transition support recognised internationally
Press release 2022-06-29 BNP Paribas Wealth Management further expands its digital services offering and launches a new...
Press release 2022-06-14 BNP Paribas Wealth Management - AGRIFRANCE publishes its annual publication on the French rural...
Highlights Discover our insights and our vision on #mobility at the AUTONOMY Paris international mobility fair. Learn more
Group 2022-02-04 Support for SMEs in Europe: the "European Guarantee Fund" now accessible to BNP Paribas clients
Press release 2022-02-04 Notification by the ECB of the 2021 Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)
Press release 2022-02-03 BNP Paribas strengthens its position as European leader in film and audiovisual financing by...