• Recruitment & careers

Top Employer 2025 – an achievement made possible by our employees!

Published On 16.01.2025

BNP Paribas confirms its Top Employer Europe certification for the 12th year running with an overall score of 91.78% (up 1.26 points on 2024).

What is Top Employer exactly?

The Top Employer label is an international certification awarded by the Top Employers Institute, an independent body that certifies the quality of companies' HR practices.

Each year, an audit is carried out based on around 250 questions covering 19 key areas such as well-being, diversity & inclusion, talent acquisition and skills development, etc.

The Top Employer Europe certification is based on the assessment of the company's ability to meet standards, established at local and European level, which change each year.

A significant year for the Group worldwide

This year, 7 countries in Europe where we operate have been certified as Top Employers 2025. Overall, some 11 countries, including 3 BNP Paribas Personal Finance entities worldwide, have also been awarded Top Employer certification. An achievement only made possible by your joint efforts! 

Countries :

Africa  :  BNP Paribas Algeria.

Europe : BNP Paribas France, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Poland and Ukraine, Turkey.

Entities :

BNP Paribas Personal Finance en Belgique, Italie et au Portugal. 

Top Employer 2025

Employees Listening, Career, Rewards and Recognition: the Group stands out from the European benchmark

employee Listening with a score of 93.2% (10.73 points above the benchmark)

The Group is committed to improving the experience of its employees. With this in mind, it is continually strengthening its system to improve the analysis of responses to surveys and to facilitate the implementation of effective action plans.

Career with a score of 91.34% (8.84 points above the benchmark)

Due to its dynamism in terms of recruitment and with more than 300 professions, the Group offers significant professional diversity (commercial, IT, data, market finance and actuarial science). BNP Paribas is also developing its internal mobility policy, with more than 20,000 cases per year. This dynamic allows the Group to support its employees in their career planning and at the same time promote its internal talent pool.

REwards and recognition with a score of 88.81% (8.5 points above the benchmark)

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