Press release 2013-07-29 Ümit Leblebici is appointed CEO of TEB and Varol Civil joins the board of TEB Holding
Press release 2013-07-25 BNP Paribas Securities Services acquires the German “Depotbank” business of Commerzbank
Press release 2013-07-18 Sberbank and BNP Paribas Personal Finance have agreed to expand the activity of their joint...
Press release 2013-07-15 Bertrand Cizeau appointed BNP Paribas Group Head of Brand, Communications and Quality
Press release 2013-07-08 BNP Paribas Cardif accelerates Asian expansion through joint venture with China's Bank of Beijing
Press release 2013-06-05 BNP Paribas CIB and ESCP Europe join forces to found an academic chair of ‘Financial...
Press release 2013-05-21 Ace Manager 5: the “Altruists” team wins the fifth edition of BNP Paribas' online business...
Press release 2013-05-17 BNP Paribas Wealth Management Wins Best International Clients Team and UHNW Team for...
Press release 2013-05-14 BNP Paribas launches the BNP Paribas Individual Philanthropy Index by Forbes Insights: Measuring...
Press release 2013-04-12 BNP Paribas China Presenting The 1st BNP Paribas ‘Rising Star' Piano Festival in Beijing
Press release 2013-04-10 BNP Paribas launches first ever permanent staff donation fund designed to help charitable NGOs...
Press release 2013-03-19 Martine Tridde-Mazloum, Head of Group Corporate Philanthropy and Jean-Jacques Goron, Managing...
Press release 2013-02-20 BNP Paribas maintains its leading position in the Aviation Finance industry throughout 2012
Press release 2013-01-23 BNP Paribas creates a Group Management Board for Germany - Camille Nicolas FOHL appointed as...
Press release 2013-01-18 BNP Paribas Wealth Management Wins Best Private Bank - Alternative Investments and Best Private...