Press release 2016-10-06 [Climate change] New oceanographic expedition aboard the Marion Dufresne to collect...
Press release 2016-09-30 BNP Paribas Wealth Management: €7.7bn invested on behalf of clients in socially responsible...
Press release 2016-09-23 BNP Paribas in co-development mode with clients for applications based on Blockchain technology
Press release 2016-09-19 BNP Paribas Securities Services expands its blockchain platform for private stocks
Press release 2016-09-12 BNP Paribas amongst the best rated banks in the Dow Jones "World" and "Europe" sustainability...
Press release 2016-09-07 BNP Paribas and PUMA launch innovative financing program for suppliers to reward social and...
Press release 2016-08-31 BNP Paribas launches a unique initiative to help finance the ambitious projects of the SMEs
Press release 2016-07-07 BNP Paribas Named “World’s Best Bank” in Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2016
Press release 2016-07-04 BNP Paribas Retail Businesses: three new appointments to help drive the digital transformation
Press release 2016-06-30 BNP Paribas creates an Intermediate Holding Company in the United States, BNP Paribas USA, Inc.
Press release 2016-06-21 The 2nd edition of the BNP Paribas International Hackathon: last week-end 18 startups won their...
Press release 2016-06-16 Ace Manager : the team INSIGHT wins the eighth edition of BNP Paribas’ online business competition
Press release 2016-06-16 Private Banker International Awards: BNP Paribas Wealth Management named ‘Outstanding Private...
Press release 2016-06-09 2nd BNP Paribas International Hackathon: 100+ startups in 8 countries to develop solutions for...
Press release 2016-06-08 Three international initiatives to co-construct the financial services of the future in tandem...