Press release 2018-10-02 BNP Paribas appoints Yann Gérardin as Deputy Chief Operating Officer for the Group
Press release 2018-10-01 The BNP Paribas Foundation and its 3 theatre partners reveal the winning teams of the Dansathon,...
Press release 2018-09-26 BNP Paribas and Cashforce enter into a partnership to offer digital cash flow forecasting and...
Press release 2018-09-11 DANSATHON: the first international hackathon created by the BNP Paribas Foundation, with three...
Press release 2018-09-05 Luc Rondot appointed Chief Information Officer at BNP Paribas French Retail Banking
Press release 2018-09-04 BGL BNP Paribas announces the closing of the acquisition of ABN AMRO Bank (Luxembourg) S.A.
Press release 2018-07-30 BNP Paribas: more than 200 employees will take part this summer in the Gay Games, of which the...
Press release 2018-07-10 4th edition of The ‘Women Entrepreneurs Program’: 40 women entrepreneurs will benefit from...
Press release 2018-07-08 The French Association of Science Journalists (AJSPI) and the BNP Paribas Foundation presented...
Press release 2018-07-04 BNP Paribas teams with Matmut to strengthen position in property & casualty insurance, launches...
Press release 2018-06-19 BNP Paribas continues its commitment in favour of integrating refugees in Europe