Launched in partnership with the BNP Paribas Foundation, the Seine-Saint-Denis Departmental Council and the French Ministry of National Education's Directorate for Departmental Services, Odyssée Jeunes is a program dedicated to supporting educational trips organized by middle schools in the department.
Since 2009, "Odyssée Jeunes" has participated in 1,000 school trips that have allowed 40,000 pupils to acquire more extensive knowledge of a foreign language or the history of a country with their classmates.
Go where and study what?
Studying climate at the volcanoes in Auvergne, attending the Shakespeare Theater in London or discovering Berlin by following in the footsteps of World War II history: these examples illustrate the wealth of experience acquired through visits shared by pupils and their teachers.
They are unforgettable experiences, far removed from daily life in the Seine-Saint-Denis department and opening a window on the world.
Photos ©Sophie Loubaton / Capa Pictures