• Group

BNP Paribas, a bank contributing to society

Developing a solid contribution to society is one of the three primary ambitions for BNP Paribas’ 2020 transformation plan. In addition to promoting diversity and equality throughout all business lines, the Group is committed to making a strong impact on the local communities where it operates around the world. Click below to learn more about this commitment and how BNP Paribas employees around the world have been putting it into practice through microfinance projects, a strong response to the COVID health crisis, and volunteer opportunities.

The BNP Paribas ‘company purpose’…see it now in video!

For several years BNP Paribas has paid particular attention to ensuring that its activity has a positive impact on the world around it, both in terms of the Group’s own functioning and the products and solutions offered to clients by all business lines....

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50 million Euros across 30 countries: BNP Paribas organises a global response to the COVID-19 crisis

BNP Paribas and its subsidiaries mobilised at the outset of the crisis, aiding hospitals, medical research institutions and vulnerable populations on a local level. To strengthen those actions already in place and extend the Group’s support to more affected communities, the Group announced on 9 April an emergency support plan pledging a total of more than €50m in aide worldwide.

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Microfinance in India: small steps to a new beginning

For more than 30 years, microfinance has been a major commitment of BNP Paribas and part of the Group’s CSR Policy.

Through initiatives around the world, BNP Paribas has been supporting more than 84 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and positively impacting the lives of millions of micro-borrowers in 33 countries.

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Volunteering…And what if it was you?

Volunteering is a part of BNP Paribas’ efforts as a socially responsible player. It also responds to our employees’ willingness to give back. Through volunteering, employees can use their knowledge and skills to make real contributions to the common good and have a sense of personal fulfillment.

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#1MillionHours2Help: the BNP Paribas Group’s volunteer programme

In September 2018, in partnership with the UNI Global Union international federation, BNP Paribas increased its social commitment with its signature of a global agreement on fundamental rights in the workplace, with the introduction of a worldwide minimum social standard. Under this agreement, BNP Paribas has undertaken to allocate 1 million paid volunteer hours across its entire workforce by 2020. As part of International Volunteer Day, BNP Paribas is launching the #1MillionHours2Help programme for all Group employees worldwide.
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Photo credits : ©RawPixel.com, ©Brad Pict, ©Prostock-studio, ©romul014, @MonkeyBusiness

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