• Entrepreneurship

Microfinance in India: Small steps to a new beginning

For more than 30 years, microfinance has been a major commitment of BNP Paribas and part of the Group’s CSR Policy.

Through initiatives around the world, BNP Paribas has been supporting more than 84 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and positively impacting the lives of millions of micro-borrowers in 33 countries.

Last year, more than 250 000 Indian women received microcredits thanks to our on -going partnership with MFIS. BNP Paribas has made particular strides in helping entrepreneurs to realize their dreams, especially female entrepreneurs and those living in rural areas. 

To celebrate these accomplishments, Franciska Decyupere, Head of Territory, BNP Paribas India, visited Sampurna Training and Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP), a Kolkata-based MFI Kolkata that offers financial and socio-academic support to developing businesses.

​Watch the video below to see how BNP Paribas is part of a powerful bottom-up movement for societal advancement.


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