• Innovation & technology

BNP Paribas at #VivaTech 2022 - what’s on the programme?

Published On 09.06.2022

The 6th edition of VivaTechnology takes place from 15 to 18 June 2022 at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. For four days, mobility and inclusion will be the main themes of the event, which will return to a large-scale physical format and a digital platform.

VivaTech: Europe’s premier tech event  

In 7 years, VivaTechnology, co-organised by Publicis Groupe and Les Echos, has become the leading European Tech event. With 120,000 visitors expected, a list of 1,500 exhibitors, major groups, investors and more than 30 countries represented, VivaTech 2022 is an international event organised over 4 days: 3 BtoB days and one day open to the general public. The 2022 edition will be definitely more inclusive and diversified, with themes such as Tech for good, sustainable mobility, digital inclusion, etc.

“Placing innovation at the service of major societal, environmental, economic and human challenges”. “Making inclusion a state of mind”.  

BNP Paribas, historical partner of VivaTechnology  

Since 2016, BNP Paribas has been one of the 5 founding partners of the event, alongside Google, Orange, LVMH and La Poste. For this new edition, BNP Paribas will be present with a positioning focused on #PositiveBanking: solutions for those who want to change the world. This goal echoes the TECHNOLOGY pillar of the GTS 2025 strategic plan, unveiled by the Group in February 2022 : harnessing technology for continuous improvement in customer/employee experience and operational efficiency.

Two complementary areas to present BNP Paribas’ innovations: 

As in previous years, BNP Paribas’ presence will take the form of a 500 sqm physical #PositiveBanking lab and a virtual e-lab where will be presented our innovations and our partner start-ups, plus spaces for meetings and conferences. The METALAB, a Metaverse conference space that will offer visitors and remote speakers a truly immersive experience, will complete this set-up.

A corner dedicated to new habits and forms of payment:

BNP Paribas is striving to be a European leader in payments. To illustrate new uses in means of payment and the innovative solutions developed by the Group, a specially dedicated corner will simulate a day in the life of a consumer and user, in different situations: payment in restaurants and shops (LyfPay), payment using a biometric bank card or even open payment when paying for and using a public transport ticket.

BNP Paribas highlights and speeches at VivaTech 2022

No fewer than 70 conferences are scheduled over the 4 days of the event with internal experts and players from our ecosystems, around the major themes that structure the Group: Scaling up, Women entrepreneurship, Sustainable mobility, Metavers-Data-IA, Innovative Payment, Digital inclusion and Tech for Good.

These talks are divided into thematic half-days:

Wednesday 15 june

BNP Paribas, the scale up bank

Women entrepreneurship

Thursday 16 june

Sustainable Mobility

Metavers / DATA and AI

Friday 17 june

Paiements and UX

Digital inclusion 

Saturday 18 june

Open day

VivaTechnology 2021 

BNP Paribas, putting women in the spotlight

This year, women will have a special place of honour at VivaTech. On the business side, BNP Paribas’ support for women entrepreneurship and its “tailor-made” assistance through its ConnectHersprogramme will be highlighted with conferences and dedicated speeches.

Women in Tech, still under-represented in this sector, will receive special attention with a dedicated area in our Lab, over the 4 days. BNP Paribas has set itself an ambitious target of 37% women in the IT sector by the end of 2024. This is a priority for the Group, in order to meet the needs of the business, while at the same time focusing on the intergenerational aspect in order to attract young girls to the digital professions and to facilitate the recruitment or retraining of women in this sector.

Women & Girls in Tech: an innovative programme to spark vocations

Women & Girls in Tech”, created in 2019 by BNP Paribas, alongside Simplon and the Digital Ladies & Allies and BECOMTECH associations, aims to deconstruct stereotypes in the Tech business, to nurture tech vocations and to encourage girls and women of all ages to feel legitimate in the choice of a career path in the digital sector.

A journey to the heart of Tech:

Many activities have been planned: a giant treasure hunt, to explore the different VivaTech stands through an online quiz, a unique experiential session, with inspiring personalities such as Catherine Barba, Rim Tehraoui, Group Chief Data Officer BNP Paribas, and ambassadors of the BECOMTECH association… Workshops (Escape Game, Fake News, code), demos with robots, conferences on gender and tech, inter-generational interactions, soft skills for the job of the future, meetings with role models, and a Women & Girls in Tech exhibition will also be on the programme!
A wide choice of events, to discover the different opportunities in technology, generate tech vocations, deconstruct clichés and enable women to take their place in Tech. 

To know more about Women & Girls in Tech

Open day dedicated to digital inclusion

On Saturday 18 June, VivaTech’s open day will showcase the latest innovations, to plunge into the future in a fun way: robots, exoskeletons, flying machines and augmented reality will provide unforgettable experiences for visitors.Students and young graduates will be invited to meet the major groups and players in the tech industry looking for new recruits! Coding workshops, mentoring and conferences will convince them of the attractiveness of all the professions in the sector.

"Le Palais augmenté"

And for those who want to combine technology and artistic creation, go to the VivaTech side event: “Le Palais augmenté”, sponsored by BNP Paribas. This first festival dedicated to immersive cultural innovations will take place at the Grand Palais Ephémère. BNP Paribas is sponsoring “Never the same Ocean”, a work on biodiversity that combines real, virtual and interactive forms, created by artists Virgile Ittah and Kai Yoda.

Le Palais augmenté will host a conference with Aurore Géraud from L’Atelier BNP Paribas, who will present the results of their research on the socio-economic issues of the Metaverse, as well as an innovative performance based on digital technology, with the BNP Paribas Foundation, which has been a patron of contemporary dance for nearly 40 years and initiated the Dansathon

For more information about VIVA Technology 2022

Photos credits : @Vivatechnology, Women & Girls in Tech

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