Eclairons la retraite
“Éclairons la retraite” is the podcast that highlights a specific point or question on the subject of retirement. Sometimes obscure, often far off in the future, it nevertheless concerns us all. Drawing on their specialist knowledge, BNP Paribas Cardif's experts offer you some insight intended to shed light on all the grey areas around this subject.
By BNP Paribas Cardif
Savings, real estate, financial investments: when and how to prepare for my retirement? - what are the main principles you need to know to prepare for retirement properly? And what are the aspects you should consider in choosing the solution best suited to your situation? Yann Pelard, Head of the Retirement Savings Sales Department within the Digital Courtage network, will help you get a clearer picture.
L'immobilier clé en main
Whether you are a future owner or a real estate investor, each episode will teach you everything you need to know to make your real estate project a reality.
By BNP Paribas Cardif
Listen (in French):
Assurer son bien (Insure your property) - Whether you have already signed your purchase agreement or are just about to, it is important to have your property insured. Find out all you need to know to take out the right insurance.
Métiers d'avenir
The podcast to discover the jobs of the future in the real estate sector and the city of tomorrow. In each episode, the employees of BNP Paribas Real Etate talk about their careers and their profession.
By BNP Paribas Real Estate
Listen (in French):
Technical Property Manager – Listen to the testimony of Mohamed Morchid, Technical Property Manager.
City I know
The retail travel diary! Set off with Elisabeth Menant and Matthieu Jolly, experts at Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance, to discover an iconic retail city. In each episode, a local guest will paint you a portrait of consumers and their habits. Then, snug in your walking shoes, you’ll set off to explore the must-visit, innovative stores!
By L’Échangeur - BNP Paribas Personal Finance
Extrait :
Londres - On the program: audience platforms of a new kind, the evolution of the dark stores or autonomous stores.