For the negotiation of this agreement, representatives of the FECEC (European Federation of Credit Establishments and Financial Institutions Managers), the European Committee of the BNP Paribas Group, and the two representative trade unions within the Group in France (CFDT and CFE-CGC) were also present.
It builds on the positive practices observed since this initial signing, and incorporates the new challenges facing the banking sector and society: technological transformations, skill upgrades, new ways of working, development of Care, strengthening of the policy regarding respect for people, considering different parenting situations and support for victims of domestic and intra-family violence, etc.
The agreement therefore provides commitments in 7 main themes. Time for a quick overview:
Human rights, trade union rights and labour relations
This agreement is part of an active approach to labour relations within the Group. It recalls the importance of collective bargaining and the freedom of everyone to join a trade union.The Group is also committed to ensuring that all its employees, regardless of gender, receive a decent wage, i.e. remuneration that covers their basic needs and those of their families.
Health and well-being
The agreement commits the Group to a global “We Care” programme for the health and well-being of employees based around three key areas:
- access to a counselling and psychological support scheme (with the aim of being able to offer it to 100% of employees, compared to 84% today),
- a health prevention assessment providing individual feedback and tailored advice,
- support for long-term illness to encourage continued employment and help affected employees return to work and avoid isolation.
It takes into account the different parenting situations by defining a common base for paid leave: maternity leave of at least 14 weeks, paternity leave and childcare leave of at least 6 days for employees not entitled to any other leave.
Respect for people and equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion
The agreement incorporates the Group’s strengthened policy to ensure that everyone is treated with respect, dignity and fairness including access to a new whistleblowing platform allowing any situation of disrespect for people or discrimination to be reported.
It pursues the policy in favour of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion and its five areas of action: professional equality between women and men, disability, multiculturalism and diversity of origins, gender identity and sexual orientation as well as age-related and intergenerational issues.
The agreement strengthens actions in favour of employees with disabilities with at least 3 commitments from the ILO (International Labour Organization) Global Business and Disability Network Charter implemented in countries, particularly on the themes of employment, equal treatment, accessibility and confidentiality.
The agreement also commits the Group to continued support for victims of domestic and intra-family violence, which constitute both a factor of inequality at work and an obstacle to professional equality between women and men: internal support, counselling scheme, dissemination of initiatives already developed in several countries (emergency accommodation solutions, partnerships with associations, promotion of the Nickel offer, etc.)
Employment and skills management
The Group supports its employees in the context of the deep-seated transformation of the banking sector by favouring anticipation of skills developments needs, the establishment of adapted training or development programmes and the implementation of an active internal mobility policy.
Social and environmental responsibility
The Group acts for more sustainable and better shared growth by enabling its employees to engage in global solidarity programmes such as 1MillionHours2Help and Green Company for Employees as well as in the actions undertaken by the Group’s foundations.
The world agreement in a nutshell
Our first agreement in 2018 allowed us to define a common social framework for all our employees across the world. The renewal of this agreement signed with UNI Global Union makes concrete and measurable commitments and allows us to strengthen fundamental rights, while taking into account the important transformations underway in our societies. One of our priorities is that across all of our geographical areas every one of our employees is treated with respect and that working conditions ensure the physical and mental health of our teams, including in a hybrid work environment.