We are looking for

Gestionnaire recouvrement - French speaker

Last update 10.02.2025

About the job

Dans le cadre des contrats d'affacturage Domestique, Import et/ou Export de BNP Paribas Factor France, le/la gestionnaire Recovery Process France est responsable du recouvrement d'un portefeuille de créances. Il/Elle est rattaché/e à la Team Leader Recovery Process France.Le/La gestionnaire se doit d’exercer ses missions de manière responsable en respect des valeurs et convictions du Groupe BNPP – Code de conduite- et notamment des principes de Diversité et d’inclusion.

Business Mission

- Relancer par téléphone, mails ou autres, les acheteurs afin d'obtenir le paiement des factures;- Qualifier et analyser les informations obtenues des acheteurs sur les motifs de non-paiement;- Maîtriser le risque acheteur en partageant l'information avec le donneur d'ordre;- Connaître et appliquer les régles et consignes de vigilance instaurées par la Conformité et/ou le donneur d'ordre tant en terme de Sécurité Financière que de Protection des intérêts clients, Intégrité des Marchés, Ethique Professionnelle ou Lois Bancaires et Fiscales.

Your main activities are

Dans le cadre de son activité, le/la gestionnaire pourra être amené/e à:

  • Effectuer les actions de relance par téléphone/mails/autres afin de qualifier les factures;
  • Traiter les appels et courriers/mails entrants;
  • Mise à jour des fiches interlocuteurs;
  • Vérifier l'activité du cédant et analyser le comportement de l'acheteur (typologie) afin d'adapter son discours et prendre les bonnes décisions;
  • Détecter les prestations ou facturations non conformes et informer le cédant du litige;
  • Transmettre au département juridique du donneur d'ordre, les créances détectées à risque (acheteurs en RJ/LJ ou fausse facture);
  • Faire remonter les réclamations acheteurs/cédants et aider à leurs résolutions;
  • Participer à la productivité du département en proposant des axes d'amélioration;
  • Assurer d'autres missions et/ou tâches administratives définies par le Team Leader dans le cadre du suivi de l'activité;
  • Agir conformément aux instructions de la Conformité et/ou des donneurs d'ordre en matière de Lutte Contre le Blanchiment d'argent, de Financement du terrorisme, de Fraude fiscale, de Corruption interne et externe, d'intégrité des Marchés, de Lois Bancaires et Fiscales et appliquer les directives en matière de Sanctions Financières internationales ainsi que de la politique KYC;
  • Agir avec éthique et intégrité, conformément au code de conduite et à la protection des intérêts client.

Profile and skills to success

Behavioural Skills

  • Etre orienté client
  • Capacité d’adaptation
  • Etre orienté résultat
  • Capacité à collaborer / travail d’équipe
  • Capacité d’organisation
  • Rigueur
  • Capacité à communiquer à l'oral et par écrit

Transversal Skills

  • Capacité d'analyse
  • Capacité à développer les autres et leurs compétences
  • Capacité à animer un atelier, une réunion

Technical Skills

  • Recouvrement
  • Opération de Middle Office
  • Traitement des opérations et saisie des données


  • French (mandatory)

Why joining BNP Paribas? 

· Leading banking institution

BNP Paribas is the European Union’s leading bank, and key player in international banking. It operates in 63 countries and has nearly 183.000 employees, including more than 146.000 in Europe.

· Our presence in Portugal

In Portugal since 1985, BNP Paribas today has more than 8.700 employees, distributed across the Group's 10 business entities established in the country. Its presence also extends to 11 excellence centres providing value-added services to various countries where the BNP Paribas Group also operates.

· International reach 

Thanks to its international presence and regular and close collaboration among its different entities, BNP Paribas has the resources to support all clients with financing, investment, savings and protection solutions that help make their projects a success. BNP Paribas holds key positions in its three core operating divisions: 

  • Retail Banking, a division that brings together all of the Group’s retail activities and specialised business lines;
  • Investment & Protection Services that include specialised businesses offering a wide range of savings, investment and protection services;
  • Corporate & Institutional Banking division that offers tailored financial solutions for corporate and institutional clients.

· Diversity and Inclusion commitment 

BNP Paribas is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

· Commitment towards work/life balance

At BNP Paribas we care about our employees wellbeing and promote a culture of good integration between work and rest. We believe our employees have rich personal lives outside of work, being fundamental to be disconnected from work to recharge both physically and mentally. Only through this balance we may all be at our best while working.

· Remote Working Conditions

At BNP Paribas, we embrace a Smart Working framework based on trust, autonomy and collaboration. Within this framework, eligible employees can benefit from flexible remote working modalities adapted to our hybrid working environment. To guarantee a comfortable and efficient working set-up, eligible employees are provided with both the office and home equipment, are entitled to an equipment allowance and can benefit from exclusive partnerships to purchase additional equipment at reduced prices. 

To find out more on why you should join BNP Paribas visit https://bnpp.lk/why-BNP-Paribas-Portugal

* Please note that only applications submitted in English will be considered. 

* In case you are selected for this role, further documentation will be requested to support your hiring process.

Interested by our offer? Don't wait any longer!

Discover the different professions within BNP Paribas: Operations Management

Those who work in Operations Management roles are essential to the smooth-running of our Group, and work consistently to satisfaction to our clients and teams. These roles offer stimulating careers that combine efficiency with a strong collaborative spirit.

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Why should I apply?

Basically, why would you want to join BNP Paribas over any other company?


  • What if we told you that working in our Group isn’t quite what you might think? At BNP Paribas, we do a multitude of different jobs that are constantly evolving to meet the expectations of our clients and society as a whole. Whether through everyday tasks or major projects, doing one of our jobs means making a personal commitment to taking sustainable action.

  • Feeling good about your job means bringing your whole self to work and being who you are. It’s also about having the resources you need to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Both of these are major commitments at BNP Paribas.

  • At BNP Paribas, developing your skills is as important to us as it is to you. And the skills you learn with us will help you through the rest of your working life.

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