Our commitments

Sustainable finance: follow our progress in figures

As part of its strategic plan, BNP Paribas has made strong commitments with targets and dates. Take a look at our progress on key CSR indicators.

Financing the energy transition

Already fully committed to helping the economy transition to low-carbon energies, the Group implemented a new stage of strong acceleration in 2023, linked to its membership in the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA).

Financing low-carbon energy

Percentage of the stock of energy financing dedicated to low-carbon

Financed emissions for the oil and gas sector

CO2 intensity of financing for electricity generation

Supporting each sector in reducing emissions

As part of our membership of the NZBA, and over and above the targets for the energy sectors, we are piloting the reduction of the emissions intensity of the projects we finance for our clients from additional sectors.

Focus on the steel, aluminium, automotive and cement sectors

For the automotive sector, we aim to reduce our portfolio emission intensity by 23% in 2025. For the steel, aluminium and cement sectors, our reduction targets by 2030 are 25%, 10% and 24%.

CO2 intensity of financing for the steel sector

Focus on the aviation, shipping and commercial real estate sectors

By 2030, we aim to reduce our portfolio emission intensity from the 2022 baseline by 18% for aviation, 23% min. for shipping and 31% min. for commercial real estate.

CO2 intensity of financing for the aviation sector

Controlling our direct impact

For more than a decade, the teams of BNP Paribas have taken action to reduce the environmental impact of the Group's own operations.

Group direct CO2 emissions

Steering financial flows towards a more sustainable economic model

Whether through loans, customer investments or market financing, the Bank can mobilise significant capital for projects that have a positive impact and that can transform the economy.

Sustainable loans

Sustainable bonds

Sustainable investments

Supporting our customers in their transition to a low-carbon economy

Financing for companies contributing to the protection of biodiversity

Investments with a social or environmental impact for our own account