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PARIBAS: Meeting of the Supervisory Board on August 18 1999

Published On 18.08.1999
At its meeting of August 18, 1999 chaired by Michel François-Poncet, following the conclusion of the public share exchange offer for Paribas shares, the Supervisory Board of Paribas was informed that the majority of the bank's capital will be held by BNP.

The board reaffirmed its support for the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board in their efforts to proceed with the integration with BNP and the construction of the new Group with openness, and with respect for the strengths and value of Paribas' businesses.

It called upon all Paribas shareholders to join those who voted in favor of the integration with BNP in the same conditions.

The Supervisory Board will meet again in the week beginning August 23, 1999, following the publication of the final results of the public share exchange offer for Paribas shares.