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Joint BNP - Paribas Committee

Published On 01.09.1999
Michel Pébereau announced the first appointments of BNP-PARIBAS managers who will be responsible for preparing the rapprochement of the two companies as regards the six main activities of the new group :

- Retail banking in France
- International retail banking
- Financing and investment banking
- Asset management, insurance, international private banking
- Participations and principal investments
- Specialized financing

Both BNP and PARIBAS will maintain their respective management duties until the decisions concerning the rapprochement are implemented. For the intermediary period, a joint BNP-PARIBAS Committee has already been established, in order to coordinate the rapprochement and the activities of both banks.

The first meeting of the BNP-PARIBAS Committee, presided by Michel Pébereau, was held on September, 1, 1999. The Committee includes Baudouin Prot (who will coordinate the activities of retail banking, specialized financing, support functions) and Dominique Hoenn (who will coordinate the activities of large clients and markets, asset management, participations and principal investments). The Committee also includes Jean Clamon, in charge of finance and control; Georges Chodron de Courcel and Philippe Blavier, head and co-head of financing and investment banking; Bernard Lemée, in charge of human ressources; Vivien Lévy-Garboua, head of asset management, insurance activities and international private banking; Alain Moynot, head of retail banking in France; Bernard Müller, in charge of specialized financing; and Amaury-Daniel de Seze, responsible for participations and principal investments. Michel François-Poncet will participate in the Committee. Laurent Tréca will act as secretary and official record-keeper of the Committee.

In addition, the following responsabilities have also been defined:
- Michel Clair, in charge of coordination for the rapprochement of the two companies. He reports to Baudouin Prot and Dominique Hoenn
- Hervé Gouëzel, responsible for information systems
- Edouard Sautter, head of risks
- Philippe Wahl, in charge of international retail banking