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Italy's "ch'seim bell" team wins Ace Manager- The Second Set, the second edition of BNP Paribas' online game

On Wednesday 14 April, the Italian team "ch'seim bell" won the final of Ace Manager – The Second Set, the second edition of the online game organised by BNP Paribas.
The final featured five teams comprising students of five different nationalities. The five teams, consisting of three students each, reached the final by progressing through the first phase of the online game, which took place between 17 February and 17 March and involved 8,133 students from 98 countries.

In the final, the teams took up one final challenge, which was assessed by a jury comprising experts from the BNP Paribas Group and Jean-Michel Carlo, head of the communication department of Sciences-Po, the elite political science university in Paris.
The three situations put to the students were directly related to the first phase of the online game.
In the Retail Banking situation, the finalists had to open and develop a new branch, select a commercial strategy, develop targeted products and adopt a dedicated communication programme.
In the Corporate and Investment Banking situation, the finalists had to work on the flotation of GTI, a company run by John MacKenzie.
Finally, in the Investment Solutions situation, the students had to advise on setting up the "Tennis for life" charity, and implement the optimal asset management strategy.

The prize-giving ceremony was overseen by Michel Pébereau, Chairman of BNP Paribas, at the Orangerie in Paris.

The final rankings were as follows:

1/ The "ch'seim bell" team comprised three Italian students attending the University of Pennsylvania and Bocconi.

2/ "Queen's Homies" comprised two German students attending university in the Netherlands (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam and Maastricht University) and a Swedish student at the Stockholm School of Economics.

3/ The "Mgimogination" team consisted of three Russian students attending Moscow State Institute of International Relations and Moscow MGIMO.

4/ "DIMS" comprised three Russian students at the Moscow Finance Academy

5/ "DSJ Company" was made up of three Polish students attending Wydzial Zarzadzania.

Prizes were awarded to all the finalists. The winning team received €9,000, the second-placed team €3,000 and the third-placed team €1,500. All finalists also received tickets to a tennis tournament.

Ace Manager - The Second Set was designed in conjunction with BNP Paribas' operational staff, and forms part of the Group's strategy of raising its profile and increasing its appeal among young people. The game is particularly effective outside France, where the brand is already well known among businesses, as well as individuals in certain countries, but is not sufficiently well known among students. BNP Paribas' aim is to develop a strong reputation as an employer among students worldwide.

The game is an entertaining way of raising students' awareness of the central role played by bankers in financing clients' projects in the real economy.
To raise its profile and make itself more appealing to students at the world's best universities and schools, BNP Paribas used its relationship with the sport of tennis, developed through 37 years of worldwide tennis sponsorship, along with its active recruitment policy and its ability to offer attractive career prospects. 68% of BNP Paribas' workforce and clients are outside France, and the Group recruits a wide variety of people around the world, offering more than 300 different occupations.

Ace Manager – The Second Set in figures

8,133 entrants (2,711 teams of 3 students) in the online game phase.

98 countries represented.
The countries with the most entrants were as follows (more than 200 entrants each): India, Turkey, Italy, China, Russia, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Egypt, Belgium, and France. website has attracted 231,000 visits since it was launched on 20/10/2009, and 1,300,000 page views.

The game's Facebook page currently has more than 2,090 fans.

Around 1,000,000 students around the world came into contact with the
BNP Paribas brand during the campus tour and the promotion of the game.

In this global project, BNP Paribas worked closely with TBWA\Corporate.

BNP Paribas and employment
BNP Paribas recruits many talented people every year. In 2010, BNP Paribas is planning to take on around 15,000 people in the world, including 3,000 in France. As regards pre-recruitment efforts, BNP Paribas offers hundreds of international voluntary work (VIE) placements and more than 1,200 work placements in France. The Group also places very strong emphasis on work-study programmes, and will welcome 1,200 students on these programmes in 2010.
The recruitment principle at BNP Paribas is based on integration in the long term. To achieve this,
BNP Paribas provides individual career management, with dedicated teams who assist each member of staff with their career, their mobility and their choices. The group also has in-depth talent and skill development programmes.
Given the very wide variety in the group, careers are developed with regular mobility within a single business line, between business lines and in other geographic locations.

About BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas ( is one of the six strongest banks in the world according to Standard & Poor's* and the largest bank in the eurozone by deposits. With a presence in more than 80 countries and more than 200,000 employees, including 160,000 in Europe, BNP Paribas is a leading European provider of financial services on a worldwide scale. It ranks highly in its three core activities: Retail Banking, Investment Solutions and Corporate & Investment Banking. In Retail Banking, the Group has four domestic markets: Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg. BNP Paribas is rolling out its integrated model across the Europe-Mediterranean zone and boasts a large network in the United States. BNP Paribas Personal Finance is the leader in consumer lending in Europe. In its Corporate & Investment Banking and Investment Solutions activities, BNP Paribas also enjoys top positions in Europe and solid and fast-growing businesses in Asia.
*Within its peer group