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Cortal's information technology and document output production ISO 9002 certified by the French Association of Quality Assurance

Published On 22.05.2001
Cortal's information technology and document output production has received the ISO 9002 certification granted by the French Association of Quality Assurance, an association approved for awarding ISO certification. The ISO is based in Geneva and has 220 members countries.

This certification covers all of Cortal's information technology and document output production which provides and controls the operation of all of Cortal's information technology chains 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Information technology and document output production is in charge of managing and developing Cortal's information systems, notably for services provided to Cortal Partners.

This ISO 9002 certification enables Cortal to provide continuous quality in the service of its customers and its partners. At the end of March 2001, Cortal managed 627,000 customers, 229,000 of whom on behalf of partners at Cortal Partners. Cortal Partners manages about a dozen partnership agreements with financial institutions, banks, insurance companies and distributors, including:
· American Express Bank, Banque AGF, Banque Directe, Cetelem, e-banking of Fortis, Fortunéo;
· Cardif, Axa Seguros e Inversiones (Spain);
· Cofinoga.

Cortal's mission is to help a broad public in Europe constitute and manage its savings. Cortal has access to services on all investment funds and on the principal stock markets. A subsidiary of BNP PARIBAS, Cortal had 627,000 customers at the end of March 2001, and in 2000 showed a net return on equity of 18 %.