Cardif is a partner of the YouBike program through a two-year sponsoring agreement.
Initially available in the city center, YouBike bicycles are rented using electronic cards for short trips in the capital.
This partnership reflects the BNP Paribas Assurance (unavailable link)'s longstanding commitment to sound environmental policy. The company completed an extensive carbon audit of all its activities worldwide and aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 10 percent by 2010. In September 2007 it also introduced a car pooling service for employees to limit driving to work.
Cardif is committed to exemplary social responsibility through support for the economic development of the communities it serves, as well as through contributions to the development of alternative transportation systems such as the new bicycle service in Taiwan.
“We're delighted and very proud to be associated with this operation, which is a tangible example of our environmental policy and our commitment to the economic and social development of Taiwan, where we have been doing business for over ten years,” said Laurence Pessez, Corporate Social Responsibility Director of BNP Paribas Assurance, speaking after the launch event.
About Cardif
Cardif, the life insurance unit of BNP Paribas Assurance, develops and markets savings and protection solutions which are distributed via diverse channels. It has received an AA rating from Standard & Poor's. With operations in 41 countries, Cardif enjoys strong positions in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Cardif's roster of partners now includes more than 35 of the world's top 100 banks.
BNP Paribas Assurance
BNP Paribas Assurance (unavailable link) is the life and property & casualty insurance unit of BNP Paribas. It counts over 7,000 employees, more than 60% of them outside France. BNP Paribas Assurance's 2007 gross written premiums totaled €18 billion of which 39% from business outside France and 43% from business with partners outside the BNP Paribas group. BNP Paribas Assurance is the world leader in creditor insurance and the fourth-largest life insurance company in France.
BNP Paribas Assurance pursues an ongoing commitment to exemplary Corporate Social Responsibility through concrete initiatives that engage all its stakeholders in France and around the world. It has distinguished itself through such initiatives as a Socially Responsible Investment program (which currently benefits nearly 1.3 million customers), by facilitating insurance for people suffering from illness and by promoting wider access to micro-insurance in India.
BNP Paribas Assurance encourages diversity throughout the enterprise. In 2008 it was awarded the “Equality at Work” label by AFNOR in recognition of gender equality initiatives. This proactive policy was recently expanded with support for programs run by the NGO Aide et Action to educate young girls in Africa. BNP Paribas Assurance sponsors social entrepreneurs in partnership with Ashoka and encourages economic development in all the markets where it operates.