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BNP Paribas Wealth Management supports entrepreneurs in France and Italy

Published On 26.11.2012
BNP Paribas Wealth Management has long been committed to entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses and their owners, by supporting their company projects and assisting in their personal wealth planning.

As many as 99% of European companies are small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)*. Their owners have four major needs: business development, risk protection, company transfer and succession planning. These needs are relevant to both their private and professional lives. In France and Italy, BNP Paribas Wealth Management has developed innovative solutions designed to support them at each of these stages. In order to provide a dedicated service, we have appointed over 400 Entrepreneur Private Bankers in France (350) and Italy (60).

In those two countries, BNP Paribas Wealth Management illustrated its dedication to entrepreneurs this month by supporting several events:
- the BFM Awards on 12th November in France, notably the Saga Familiale (Family Story) award, which honours companies and their owners who make a notable contribution to the French economy
- the publication by Women Equity for Growth on 20th November, which showcases the fastest-growing female-led companies in France in 2012
- the Entrepreneur of the Year awards in Italy, presented on 22nd November at the Ernst & Young Awards ceremony; these nation-wide awards, conferred in various industry categories, honour entrepreneurs who have made a significant contribution to the Italian economy.

In addition, the BNP Paribas retail network has developed an innovative approach whereby the Bank brings together under one roof all commercial staff working exclusively with entrepreneurs and SMEs in order to provide a dedicated, comprehensive service. These “Maisons des Entrepreneurs” (Small Business Centres), provide business leaders with a one stop shop for their personal and professional needs. Our Relationship Managers and Wealth Management experts work together to offer a high-quality service, ensuring smooth access to the full range of banking and financial services.

BNP Paribas implemented this model in France in 2009, with the opening of the first “Maison des Entrepreneurs”. By the end of 2012, the Group will have opened around sixty such Small Business Centres.
In the same vein, Italy now has 40 CREO centres spread throughout Italy, and aims to expand this number to 45 before the end of 2012.

* Source: European Commission – (unavailable link)

About BNP Paribas Wealth Management (
BNP Paribas Wealth Management is the world's 7th largest private bank, present in some 30 countries. Over 6,000 professionals, based in every major financial centre, provide a private investor clientele with solutions for optimising and managing their assets. The bank has €257 billion worth of assets under management (as at end June 2012).