Brand Finance's new ranking of international financial brands has just been published. It covers all banking businesses and types of clients, from consumers to major corporations and institutional clients.
The ranking was established at the end of December 2007 and, therefore, reflects the initial impact of the sub-prime crisis on the reputation of the respective institutions. The BNP Paribas brand is ranked 7th in the Global 500 Financial Brands Index, with an estimated value of USD 14.6 billion, or approximately 15% of the Group's total value. BNP Paribas is up one place from the previous ranking published in 2006 and its brand value has risen more than USD 2 billion (+19%) despite the difficult economic situation. In terms of banks rather than all financial brands, the Group's brand ranks 6th as American Express is a credit card issuer rather than a bank.
The report ranks BNP Paribas in the Top 5 worldwide banking brands in the retail banking segment. Its brand value for retail customers is USD 8.5 billion. Brand Finance has upgraded its rating of BNP Paribas from A to A+. Part of BNP Paribas' success in this survey over the last 2 years is due to the successful integration of BNL which has helped the Group's brand achieve greater visibility. Another happy consequence of the BNP Paribas/BNL marriage is that BNL's brand now appears for the first time in this prestigious report, ranked 157 with a brand value of USD 717 million, a highly satisfying result for a brand that operates in a single country.
These improved rankings confirm that our brand is today a major asset for the Group and represents a genuine added value to its competitiveness. This progress is due to the Group's sales and financial performance, its improvement in terms of quality, and the high visibility of its communications strategy. The Brand Finance ranking is in line with numerous recent studies which have shown very positive developments in the perception of our brand: the No. 1 investment bank in Continental Europe according to the annual Financial Times survey; the No. 2 private bank in the eurozone according to Euromoney; the No. 1 French bank in fee competitiveness according to Mieux-Vivre, and most widely recognized sponsor in France (all sports included) according to Sport Lab.
For more information:
- Extract from The Global Financial Brands Ranking 2007 realized by Brand Finance (1-30)

Source: Global 500 Financial Brands Index- 2007
About BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas ( is a European leader in global banking and financial services and one of the four strongest banks in the world according to Standard & Poor's. The group is present in over 85 countries and has 163,000 employees, 127,000 of whom are in Europe. The group holds key positions in three major areas of activity: Financing and Investment Banking, Asset Management & Services, and Retail Banking. Present throughout Europe in all of its business lines, the bank's two domestic markets in retail banking are France and Italy. In addition, BNP Paribas has a significant and growing presence in the United States and strong positions in Asia and the emerging countries.
Press Contact
Elodie Verbeke - +33 1 57 43 74 57 / +33 6 32 30 03 96 - elodie.verbeke [at] bnpparibas (dot) com
The ranking was established at the end of December 2007 and, therefore, reflects the initial impact of the sub-prime crisis on the reputation of the respective institutions. The BNP Paribas brand is ranked 7th in the Global 500 Financial Brands Index, with an estimated value of USD 14.6 billion, or approximately 15% of the Group's total value. BNP Paribas is up one place from the previous ranking published in 2006 and its brand value has risen more than USD 2 billion (+19%) despite the difficult economic situation. In terms of banks rather than all financial brands, the Group's brand ranks 6th as American Express is a credit card issuer rather than a bank.
The report ranks BNP Paribas in the Top 5 worldwide banking brands in the retail banking segment. Its brand value for retail customers is USD 8.5 billion. Brand Finance has upgraded its rating of BNP Paribas from A to A+. Part of BNP Paribas' success in this survey over the last 2 years is due to the successful integration of BNL which has helped the Group's brand achieve greater visibility. Another happy consequence of the BNP Paribas/BNL marriage is that BNL's brand now appears for the first time in this prestigious report, ranked 157 with a brand value of USD 717 million, a highly satisfying result for a brand that operates in a single country.
These improved rankings confirm that our brand is today a major asset for the Group and represents a genuine added value to its competitiveness. This progress is due to the Group's sales and financial performance, its improvement in terms of quality, and the high visibility of its communications strategy. The Brand Finance ranking is in line with numerous recent studies which have shown very positive developments in the perception of our brand: the No. 1 investment bank in Continental Europe according to the annual Financial Times survey; the No. 2 private bank in the eurozone according to Euromoney; the No. 1 French bank in fee competitiveness according to Mieux-Vivre, and most widely recognized sponsor in France (all sports included) according to Sport Lab.
For more information:
- Extract from The Global Financial Brands Ranking 2007 realized by Brand Finance (1-30)
Source: Global 500 Financial Brands Index- 2007
About BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas ( is a European leader in global banking and financial services and one of the four strongest banks in the world according to Standard & Poor's. The group is present in over 85 countries and has 163,000 employees, 127,000 of whom are in Europe. The group holds key positions in three major areas of activity: Financing and Investment Banking, Asset Management & Services, and Retail Banking. Present throughout Europe in all of its business lines, the bank's two domestic markets in retail banking are France and Italy. In addition, BNP Paribas has a significant and growing presence in the United States and strong positions in Asia and the emerging countries.
Press Contact
Elodie Verbeke - +33 1 57 43 74 57 / +33 6 32 30 03 96 - elodie.verbeke [at] bnpparibas (dot) com