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BNP Paribas, a leading sponsor of tennis, unveils its Internet website:

Published On 28.05.2001

BNP Paribas is unveiling, starting on 28 May 2001, the first day of the French Open Tennis Tournament, a website fully dedicated to its involvement in sponsoring tennis:

For close to 28 years, BNP, and now BNP Paribas, associates its corporate image with tennis, sponsoring the French Open Tennis Tournament at Roland Garros, as well as a number of other competitive events. BNP Paribas recently decided to strengthen its commitment to tennis by becoming the top sponsor of the Davis Cup in 2002, while taking on the role as official sponsor of the international competition starting this year.

The website, which is both in French and in English, can be accessed directly through BNP Paribas Group's portal ( The site is designed to give tennis lovers an overview of all the tennis tournaments and events BNP Paribas sponsors, and to provide information on the events (dates, results, new events, etc.).

The Bank sponsors international tennis tournaments (French Open, David Cup Tennis, Paris Bercy Tennis Masters Series, WTA Tournament in Nice, WTA Tournament in Strasbourg, Handisport World Cup, etc.), a number of national and local tournaments (BNP Paribas Pro Kennex Challenge, Youth Open Tennis Tournament of the City of Paris, etc.), the tennis schools as part of the Tennis Evolutif program introduced by the French Tennis Federation, and Yannick Noah's organisation called Fête le Mur which uses tennis to promotes social cohesion in underprivileged neighborhods.