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BNP Paribas launches a v-recruitment campaign* and presents its new platform on Second Life

Published On 12.06.2007
BNP Paribas is launching a specially designed recruitment operation in the Second Life virtual world and in this way is offering jobs for information technologists: project managers, systems or network engineers, technical or application architects.
This method of real recruitment in a virtual universe will enable candidates to focus on genuine opportunities and for BNP Paribas to find profiles at that are totally suited to its needs.

Candidates can register from 12 June on When their application has been studied, they will receive an e-mailed confirmation giving them the date and time of the appointment, the name of their Human Resources contact on Second Life as well as a link that will enable them to upload their avatar [electronic portrait photo] to the BNP Paribas platform. On D-Day, they will be greeted by the avatars of the recruitment executives for a confidential conversation lasting about ten minutes. A manager from the IT department will also be on hand to talk with the applicants.
The interviews will take place in the recruitment area of BNP Paribas on Second Life in two 3-hour sessions on 26 June from 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. and on 28 June from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

On a wider level, the new BNP Paribas platform, which will open in the next few days, will offer games and educational spaces, designed to evolve over time, one devoted to tennis, the other to chess under a partnership arrangement with the French Chess Federation.

Active on Second Life since the end of 2006, l'Atelier the group's technological monitoring centre, is also presenting its new space. Created by its teams working in collaboration, it is expanding and includes an information zone, an auditorium for events as well as an area devoted to l'Atelier in the USA and Asia. It is an opportunity for the technology watch to communicate and exchange ideas with the players in this virtual world or with new technology buffs, unrestricted by geographic frontiers.

Cetelem and Cortal Consors, BNP Paribas subsidiaries, who have recently joined the platform, strengthen the group's presence and once more confirm the predominant position that BNP Paribas gives to innovation.

* v-recruitment: virtual recruitment