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BNP Paribas Group supports the Global Compact

Published On 17.06.2003
The Global Compact, an initiative of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, aims to encourage voluntary cooperation by multinational corporations in promoting sustainable development.

The commitment covers nine principles in the areas of human rights, the basic principles of the International Labor Organization, and respect for the environment.

The Group recognizes that its values and its long-standing commitment in these areas naturally coincides with the approach proposed by the UN Secretary General.

Consequently, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors approved on 21 March 2003 BNP Paribas's participation in the Global Compact.

The nine principles of the Global Compact now form an integral part of the Group's principles of action. They will serve as a guideline for the activities of all its entities in all countries in which they operate, and they will be included in the implementation of their action plans.

Motivated by its spirit of public interest and concern for its reputation, and in light of its international ambitions, the Group has naturally chosen to take this exemplary step.