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BNP Paribas disposes of 3.3% of Sema Group Plc capital

Published On 30.05.2000
PAI (Paribas Affaires Industrielles - Paribas Principal Investment), an investment division of BNP Paribas, has disposed of approximately 15.3 million Sema Group Plc shares pursuant to the unwind of a derivative transaction entered into in 1999. The shares disposed of represent approximately 3.3 % of Sema Group's issued share capital before completion of the merger with LHS. This transaction results in a pretax capital gain of approximately € 150 million for BNP Paribas.

Following the settlement of the transaction, PAI will hold approximately 6.7 % in Sema Group Plc. BNP Paribas, one of the largest shareholders in Sema Group, will continue to support the company's growth actively. This transaction reflects PAI's strategy of actively managing its investment portfolio.

PAI has been involved with Sema Group since its early days and it has strongly supported the Company at all significant stages of its development, particularly the merger in 1988 between Cap Group Plc and Sema Metra S.A. to form Sema Group Plc, the building of the relationship with France Telecom and its main acquisitions in various European countries.