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BNP Paribas Asset Management Strengthens its Socially Responsible Investment Process and Teams Up with the Rating Agencies Deminor and Innovest.

Published On 22.01.2003
BNP Paribas Asset Management considers that social, environmental, and corporate governance practices have a direct impact on corporations' share price, as demonstrated by some companies' recent stock market performance. Consequently, it has become crucially important to take these nonfinancial criteria into account when making a careful assessment of the opportunities and risks that companies face.

For this reason, BNP Paribas Asset Management has made socially responsible research an integral part of its fundamental investment process. Its dedicated research unit, headed by Eric Borremans, a professional with experience in corporate social and environmental responsibility, works closely with financial analysts and portfolio managers. This unit evaluates companies according to a set of proprietary criteria.

BNP Paribas Asset Management has now made additional resources available to its socially responsible analysis unit by entering into two new partnerships, with Deminor and Innovest. In addition to the existing partnership with Vigéo (formerly Arèse), these agreements enable BNP Paribas Asset Management to consolidate its sources of socially responsible analysis in the fields of corporate governance and respect for the environment while at the same time broadening the geographic coverage of research.

The internationally renowned firm Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, which has recently established a presence in France, has developed sophisticated analysis models (EcoValue'21 and Intangible Value Assessment) that link companies' environmental and social performance to their stock market value. These models represent a practical way of factoring in key aspects of sustainable development such as as climate change, emerging markets, and human capital in the analysis of various industry sectors.

Deminor Rating, Europe's leading corporate governance rating agency, has been analyzing and rating the practices of the Eurotop 300 companies since 1997 on the basis of four indicators: structure and functioning of the board of directors, transparency of information, shareholder rights and duties, and measures taken to prevent hostile takeovers.