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BNP Paribas Asset Management was assigned an intrinsic rating of "aa" by the rating agency Fitch-AMR for its global asset management activities in Paris, London and Hong Kong (1)

Published On 27.11.2002
This rating is the third highest on the Fitch-AMR rating scale and indicates an excellent level of quality in terms of security and the capacity to monitor the risks associated with the asset management business.

Fitch-AMR's rating process is based on five main criteria, namely: Structure, Independence, Communication, Investment and Risk Management.

Fitch-AMR's rating summary particularly highlights BNP Paribas Asset Management's financial solidity. The diversity of its product range, the complementarity of the management styles offered to clients, and the quality of its management applications and systems are some of the elements highlighted in the rating summary.

With €102 billion in assets under management (2) and about 20 offices around the world, BNP Paribas Asset Management has a global presence in terms of investment and distribution centres.

Anticipating the generalisation of open architecture, BNP Paribas Asset Management has organised its structure around four divisions : fund marketing and distribution; institutional management; alternative, structured and indexed management; and strategic development in emerging markets.

(1) Entities covered by this rating
(2) At 30 June 2002, for its global asset management activities which are based mainly in Paris, London and Hong Kong; the numbers do not include some of its insurance activities , nor Fischer Francis Trees and Watts which manages euros 34 billion