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Alain Marbach joins BNP Paribas

Published On 24.10.2006
Alain Marbach, 44 years old, will join BNP Paribas group on 6 November 2006. His prior position was Managing Director Products and Technologies for Schneider Electric.

Initially, Alain Marbach will be in charge of information systems together with Hervé Gouëzel. During the first half of 2007, he will recommend a global strategy for the Group's industrial and technology branches. He will be responsible for implementing this strategy and will be a member of the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas. Hervé Gouëzel, who currently manages Group Information Systems, will then become a consultant for senior management.

Announcing this management change, Baudouin Prot, Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas, stated: “For over ten years, Hervé Gouëzel has headed the company's information systems. He successfully managed massive and key projects such as conversion of the group and our customers to the euro, combining BNP's and Paribas' information systems, and adapting the bank to growth in the internet. He will continue to serve BNP Paribas backed by his vast experience.
Alain Marbach comes from industry, where he took on major challenges in terms of technology, research, development and production. He is a passionate supporter of innovation serving customers and comes with a strong international culture. He will be responsible for developing the Group's industrial strategy, so that BNP Paribas remains one of the most advanced players in the financial services industry in terms of technological innovation, and one of the most operationally efficient”.