Press release

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  • Press release

2005 - Quarterly Data CIB and IRFS

Published On 09.05.2006
In order to improve the disclosure and the market understanding of the group's different businesses and in view of recent internal organisational changes, two adjustments will be made to the way the results are presented as from the first quarter 2006 results presentation.

Within the CIB core business the Commodities Derivatives business leaves the scope of Financing Businesses (ECEP) to be integrated into Capital Markets. The Optimisation Finance business is transferred from Financing Businesses to Capital Markets where it is regrouped with Global Risks Solutions within Fixed Income.

The IFRS core business is now split into four parts: besides BancWest and Cetelem, the Emerging Markets business is now published separately along with a fourth section regrouping all the specialised financial services other than Cetelem, i.e. Arval, BNP Paribas Lease Group and UCB. The IRFS core business's corporate centre is split between these 4 sections and the group's "Other Activities".

The figures for the 4 quarters of 2005 have been restated to include these adjustments and provide a historical basis for comparison. They are included hereafter.

The investor relations team remain at your disposition should any complementary information be required.

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