The Mobile Film Festival 2020
Created in 2005, the Mobile Film Festival is a short film festival dedicated to young directors from across the world. It is based on a simple principle: 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Movie. Its ambition? To discover, support and accompany talents from across the world to become the directors of tomorrow.
For its 16th international edition, the Mobile Film Festival has chosen to focus on women through the theme “WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT”, in partnership with BNP Paribas, #EllesFontYoutube and UN Women.
For this edition dedicated to women, a jury of film professionals, activists and men and women who have excelled in their fields, will select the winners from among the 50 films in the official selection. The jury will be chaired by Agnès Jaoui, French director, screenwriter and actress who has won several César awards.
This year, 7 prizes will be awarded, including 2 film production grants of €20,000 each – the International Grand Prize supported by BNP Paribas, and the French Grand Prize supported by the #EllesFontYouTube programme.
The prizes will be awarded at the closing ceremony on Monday 7 December 2020 in Paris.
You have until 20 October 2020 to submit your film on the Mobile Film Festival website.
BNP Paribas a committed partner of the Mobile Film Festival
BNP Paribas has been a passionate partner of cinema for over 100 years and has supported the Mobile Film Festival since 2010, enabling it to go even further than the discovery of young talent.
In 2020, this partnership mirrors the Group’s commitment to advancing equality between women and men.
For more than 15 years, BNP Paribas has been committed to gender equality in the workplace through its Diversity policy, notably through the United Nations HeForShe movement, of which Jean-Laurent Bonnafé is a “Thematic Champion”. As a partner of the Women’s Forum Global Meeting, the Group supports women’s entrepreneurship through numerous programs in France and abroad.
The Women and Girls in Tech event, which took place last year, was a great success, with the aim of generating vocations and encouraging female employees to benefit from digital training programmes, and will renewed during Diversity Week.
Member of the OneInThreeWomen network, the first European network of companies engaged against gender-based violence, BNP Paribas is committed to helping victims of domestic and intra-family violence.
In 2019, the BNP Paribas’ Executive Committee also signed the #JamaisSansElles charter, marking a new stage in the Group’s actions in favour of gender mix and equality.
The Group was the main partner of the film WOMAN, directed by Anastasia Mikova and Yann Arthus-Bertrand, released in early 2020.
It is therefore only natural that BNP Paribas will be awarding this year’s International Grand Prize for this edition devoted to Women’s Empowerment: a €20,000 production grant that will enable the winner to make a short film with professional resources and the help of a producer.