• Group

Inclusion: BNP Paribas’ most recent initiatives

Published On 12.08.2021

Inclusion is one of the fundamental values at the heart of the Group’s strategy.

For BNP Paribas, working for the better of society means: 

  • Helping social impact businesses and start-ups;
  • Offering support to vulnerable and disadvantaged populations;
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion;
  • Fostering actions in favour of young people;
  • Participating in the development of different regions.

You can find some of the initiatives exemplifying these commitments to inclusion below. 

BNP Paribas renews its refugee aid programme in Europe for three years

BNP Paribas is committed to a more inclusive society and dedicates part of its action to integrating refugees in 10 European countries. How? What methods are used and what are the concrete results? Here is an update on the situation in 2021. 

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A Global Agreement leads to many breakthroughs for employee rights in the Group

In 2018, BNP Paribas and UNI Global Union signed an agreement on 7 topics relating to fundamental labour rights that laid down a global social framework that applies to all of the Group’s employees in all of its regions. Three years later, with the agreement reaching its expiry date, the assessment of its implementation is positive.

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Refugeeks by Simplon, a program to facilitate refugee integration through learning of digital skills and French

Created by the Simplon network, the “Refugeeks” program set up in 2019, aims to reduce the digital divide for refugees while offering them the opportunity to learn French. When they arrive on French soil, refugees face many obstacles to their integration: a language they need to learn and the lack of landmarks when it comes to internet use. In the frame of the BNP Paribas European-wide refugee aid program launched in 2015, the BNP Paribas Foundation has been supporting the Refugeeks program since inception, amongst other partners.

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Roland-Garros 2021: BNP Paribas gets the ball rolling with young people

From the start of the health crisis, BNP Paribas has been working to support the younger generation by rolling out numerous initiatives, particularly in the areas of equal opportunities, inclusion, education and access to culture. During the French Open, BNP Paribas is continuing its support for young people by inviting them to take part in the fortnight's events, which are open to a reduced number of spectators, and by offering them new experiences during the tournament.

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BNP Paribas joins the Generation Equality Forum and continues the Agrifed programme initiated with HeForShe

In 2018, the Group joined forces with UN Women, with the support of its subsidiary BICIS, in the Agrifed programme, which aims to strengthen food security in Senegal by promoting female entrepreneurship. Thanks to BNP Paribas’ support for Agrifed, 15,000 Senegalese women have been trained in resilient farming techniques, with women being the main victims of global warming.

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