1st among French banks
These very good results make BNP Paribas the top French bank and second European bank (out of a total of 935 banks and financial service providers assessed at global level).
The Corporate Knights ranking chiefly acknowledges the active role played by BNP Paribas in developing positive impact financial products and services, the most heavily weighted criterion in the Global 100 methodology for the financial sector. The Group also stands out among its peers for social aspects, from the significant proportion of women in its Board of Directors (6 out of 14, i.e. 43%) to its health and safety policy. Finally, the inclusion of extra-financial performance criteria in the variable compensation awarded to BNP Paribas top management has also earned the Group a leadership position among its peers.
Access the 2023 " Global 100 most sustainable corporations" ranking
“The continued position of BNP Paribas among the 100 most sustainable corporations in the world for the seventh consecutive year is a source of pride for the Group. It also comes as a recognition of the high level of commitment shown by BNP Paribas in incorporating environmental, social and governance dimensions into its activities and, more specifically, its position as a leader in responsible finance, ” says Laurence Pessez, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at BNP Paribas.
Corporate Knights
Toronto-based Corporate Knights is the “magazine for clean capitalism”, as well as an independent investment research and consultancy firm.
The “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations” ranking rewards the 100 companies worldwide that have shown the greatest commitment to sustainable development and which successfully reconcile social responsibility and financial performance. To compile its 2021 ranking, the specialist magazine Corporate Knights analysed 8,080 listed companies that achieved gross income of over $1 billion in the 2019 fiscal year. Those companies were analysed in relation to other players in their sectors, across a total of 24 performance indicators.
Extra-financial ratings
Extra-financial analysis involves assessing the environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies of companies, sovereign states and other types of securities issuers and, based on that analysis, establishing a rating allowing a comparison of the various listed or unlisted issuers’ ESG practices.
This type of rating is also called a “declarative rating”, as opposed to a “solicited rating”, as the commissioning party is not the issuer but the investor. Extra-financial rating agencies are therefore remunerated by investors seeking guidance in their long-term investment decisions.
BNP Paribas’ latest non-financial ratings and distinctions
Agency: SAM, integration in DISI Wold & DISI Europe indicies
Solicited notation, V.E. (formerly Vigéo Eiris), integration in Euronext-Vigeo Eiris World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120 et France 20
Carbon Disclosure Project
FTSE4GOOD; integration in the FTSE4Good Global Index
FISS ESG Corporate Rating (formerlyISS-OEKOM), integration in Prime (status 'best-in-class)
- BNP Paribas was named the World’s Best Bank for Financial Inclusion at the 2020 Euromoney (a leading international finance publication ) Awards for Excellence,;
- BNP Paribas was also named “Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainable FIG financing”, “Investment Bank of the Year for Sustainability-linked Loans” and “Investment Bank of the Year for Social Bonds” by The Banker magazine, a Financial Times publication;
- In 2020, BNP Paribas was also listed in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index.
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