Why should the financial sector invest in adaptation measures?
Beyond risk management, the adaptation challenge offers many investment opportunities to the private sector, valued at $2 trillion by 2026. Moreover, companies with climate adaptation plans will pose a lower credit risk over time. Indeed, mitigation and adaptation measures are complementary both to reduce climate risks and to limit the damages to systems and infrastructures. BNP Paribas’ experts explain how insurers and banks can help companies with their climate adaptation trajectory.
What are the sectoral and geographic impacts?
What is the main challenge of adaptation? Predicting the heterogeneous impacts of climate change on each sector of activity in different regions of the world. Which regions are most at risk from natural disasters? What will the EU agriculture sector look like in 2050? How does SNCF Réseau strengthen the resilience of the railway to climate change? Discover innovative solutions to prevent these climate impacts.
Overview of Perspectives’ latest issue on physical risks and climate adaptation
Who is behind "Perspectives"?
“Perspectives” is a quarterly publication dedicated to sustainability topics and developed by the Network of Experts in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) Coordination Team. This global internal network brings together over 700 sustainable finance experts from all BNP Paribas business lines and functions, by pooling their expertise to support the transition of Group clients.