Our governance

The General Management and the Executive Committee

The General Management of BNP Paribas is composed of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) plus two Chief Operating Officers (COO) and one Deputy Chief Operating Officer.

As Chief Executive Officer, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé bears responsibility for the management of the Group and, for this purpose, is invested with extensive powers. Accordingly, all operational activities and Group functions fall under his direct responsibility.

The Executive Committee brings together the General Management as well as 15 other members - Heads of businesses and central functions. They meet at least once a week.

Yann Gérardin
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Yann Gérardin

Chief Operating Officer, Corporate & Institutional Banking


Yann Gérardin joined BNP in 1987, where he created the Equity Derivatives business before being appointed Global Head of Equity Derivatives at BNP Paribas in 1999. In early 2005, he took over responsibility for the Equity and Equity Derivatives division of BNP Paribas, an entity into which the Commodities Derivatives business was integrated the same year. In 2011, Yann Gérardin became a member of the BNP Paribas Group’s Executive Committee and in 2014 was appointed Head of Corporate and Institutional Banking.
In 2018, he was appointed Deputy Chief Operating Officer of the BNP Paribas Group in charge of Corporate and Institutional Banking.

In 2021, Yann Gérardin is appointed Chief Operating Officer, Head of Corporate & Institutional Banking.                                                    


Yann Gérardin is a graduate of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), of Sciences Po Paris, and holds a bachelor’s degree in econometrics.