Our governance

The General Management and the Executive Committee

The General Management of BNP Paribas is composed of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) plus two Chief Operating Officers (COO) and one Deputy Chief Operating Officer.

As Chief Executive Officer, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé bears responsibility for the management of the Group and, for this purpose, is invested with extensive powers. Accordingly, all operational activities and Group functions fall under his direct responsibility.

The Executive Committee brings together the General Management as well as 15 other members - Heads of businesses and central functions. They meet at least once a week.

Sofia Merlo
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Sofia Merlo

Head of Human Resources


Sofia Merlo has made her entire career at the BNP Paribas Group.
She began in September 1985 working with Corporate Clients at the Head Office, then at a branch and at regional level where she run from 1996 to 2000 the business center in the South West of France.
She then joined the Group’s Human Resources department in late 2000, first as a career manager, before being promoted Group Head of Career Management in mid-2004. At that time, she launched the Diversity policy for the Group.
In February 2009, she became Sales Director for French Private Bank before being promoted in 2010 Head of the French Private Bank. She was appointed in January 2012, Co-Head of the Wealth Management business worldwide. On May 2020, she joined Group Human Resources as HR Senior Advisor.
She is also Member of the Board of Directors of BNP Paribas Fortis.
As of November 1st 2020, Sofia Merlo is Head of Group Human Resources and a Member of BNP Paribas’ Executive Committee.

Graduated from HEC Paris in 1985.