Our governance

The General Management and the Executive Committee

The General Management of BNP Paribas is composed of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) plus two Chief Operating Officers (COO) and one Deputy Chief Operating Officer.

As Chief Executive Officer, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé bears responsibility for the management of the Group and, for this purpose, is invested with extensive powers. Accordingly, all operational activities and Group functions fall under his direct responsibility.

The Executive Committee brings together the General Management as well as 15 other members - Heads of businesses and central functions. They meet at least once a week.

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé
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Jean-Laurent Bonnafé

Director and Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas


After graduating in Engineering, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé joined the French civil service, working first as a Senior Officer in the French Ministry of Industry and subsequently as Technical Advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry. In 1993, he joined BNP as a Senior Investment Banker. In 1997, he was appointed Head of Strategy and Development. Following the BNP merger with Paribas in the year 2000, he led the post-merger integration process. In 2002, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé was appointed Head of the BNP Paribas Group’s French Retail Banking division, becoming a member of the Group Executive Committee. In 2006, when BNL was merged into the BNP Paribas Group, he was appointed BNL Managing Director. In 2008, he became BNP Paribas Chief Operating Officer and assumed responsibility for the Retail Banking activities of the entire Group. On 14 May 2009, Jean-Laurent Bonnafé was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Fortis Bank, remaining in this post until 1 February 2011 with a primary mission to ensure the smooth integration of Fortis Retail Banking activities into the Group. At the Annual General Meeting held on 12 May 2010, he was elected a Member of the BNP Paribas Group Board of Directors. On 1 December 2011, the Board of Directors appointed Jean-Laurent Bonnafé Group Chief Executive Officer. 


Jean-Laurent Bonnafé graduated in Engineering from leading French higher education establishment École Polytechnique and the École des Mines.