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Wealth Management - Marketing Associate / Senior Marketing Associate

Mise à jour le 23.08.2024
Execution and Transactions Processing
  • Receive orders and instructions directly from clients
  • For certain products types, quote prices to clients
  • Ensure pre-trade due diligence checks
  • Ensure orders are properly executed and proceeded including but not limited to proper voice log, suitability & credit limit check
  • Capture executed deals in systems by cut-off time
  • Ensure accuracy of capture to avoid incidents and dealing errors

Client Marketing Support

  • Appropriate understanding of client portfolio, background and investment needs
  • Coordinate and follow-up with invitees for marketing events organized by BNP Paribas (“the Bank”)
  • Organize clients meetings with RMs
  • Prepare documentations for client portfolio reviews and valuation
  • Assist RMs to prepare meeting and presentation materials

Relationship Manager Support in Client Relationship Management
  • Support Relationship Manager in providing investment advisory to clients, which is to be in line with Bank's views on each class of assets and within client's suitability profile
  • Assist Relationship Manager to meet bank's target in terms of product placement (especially when there is a product promotion), new accounts (particularly for existing relationship) and loan utilization
  • Whenever possible, to identify opportunities to expand client assets.

Change Management Support

  • Provide feedback to relevant parties to meet front office needs
  • Ensure RMs are informed on a need-to-know basis of any changes impacting the work processes
  • Back up other MAs

Administrative Support

  • Answer clients’ phone calls in a professional manner
  • Take care of queries from internal/ external parties
  • Assist managers in completing call reports
  • Assist managers in account opening and onboarding process
  • Assist in processing credit approvals, CAF review, credit review, investments and deposit transactions
  • Assist RMs to prepare internal and external meetings materials

Control Aspect

  • Direct contribution to the Bank’s operational permanent control framework
  • Responsible for the implementation of operational permanent control policies and procedures in day-to-day business activities, such as Control Plan
  • Comply with regulatory requirements. Most importantly, to observe FAA and SFA requirements in the discharge of duty as Senior MA and as an employee of the Bank.
  • Comply with internal guidelines
  • Responsible for reporting all incidents according to the Incident Management System

Qualifications - External

  • Good report writing skills
  • Familiar with Word Processing, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Familiar with Wealth Management systems
  • Minimum 5 years’ relevant working experience in finance and banking industry
  • Must fulfill the fit and proper criteria of relevant regulators
Notre offre vous tente ? Alors n’hésitez plus !

Découvrez les métiers des fonctions transverses chez BNP Paribas

Intégrer des métiers comme les Achats, le Marketing ou bien les Ressources Humaines, c’est contribuer au bon fonctionnement du Groupe et à son rayonnement. Autant de spécialités et donc d’opportunités à découvrir !

En savoir plus

Pourquoi je candidaterais ?

Pour quelles raisons je rejoindrais BNP Paribas et pas une autre entreprise ?

Parce que je souhaite...

  • Et si on vous disait que travailler dans notre Groupe, ce n’est pas ce que vous croyez ? Chez BNP Paribas, on exerce une multitude de métiers qui évoluent en permanence pour être en phase avec les attentes des clientes et clients comme de la société. Au travers d’actions du quotidien ou de grands projets, exercer l’un de nos métiers, c’est s’engager pour agir durablement.

  • Se sentir bien dans son job, c’est avant tout venir travailler comme on est.  C’est aussi avoir les moyens d’un bon équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle et sa vie personnelle. Deux engagements majeurs pour BNP Paribas.

  • Chez BNP Paribas, le développement de vos compétences est essentiel, pour vous comme pour nous. Et cela vous servira pour toute votre vie professionnelle.

En savoir plus