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VBA Data Analyst

The VBA Data Analyst is responsible for the production of dashboards and KPI/KQI’s ensuring associated data reliability. Additionally, they are in charge of assessing and identifying data improvement opportunities to propose for industrialization, including formalization of respective business case, document and implement changes and automated solutions to ensure continuous support and maintenance until industrialization.


The Change & Continuous Improvement scope falls under EMEA Trade Finance Operations perimeter.


The position will be located in the Madrid-based Trade Finance Service Centre.


  • Production and analysis of monthly statistics and KPIs for the countries under the scope of TFSC and SGI
  • Production of monthly Reporting and Governance deck for the countries under the scope of TFSC and SGI including relevant comments
  • Chairing of SLA meetings with internal clients (MO) and enforce SLA commitments and report
  • Contribute to the implementation of new accurate and relevant Reporting produced by the different internal tools.
  • Identify data improvement opportunities and lead respective study and business case development
  • Develop, document and implement automated solutions to ensure continuous support and maintenance until industrialization.



  • Systems and processes: Power BI, Good working knowledge of Word/Excel (intermediary). Atlas, Operational Tools (EPS, Aval, Dwings….) , TDR 
  • English. C1 level.
  • SQL Request
  • Power query (expert)
  • DAX (expert)
  • Data visualisation (expert)
  • VBA & Python 


  • Organizational skills. Setting priorities, planning actions and methodically progress by coordinating activities and resources efficiently;
  • Analytical skills: identifying and presenting key information. Giving a structuring opinion and synthesizing all the elements pertaining to the matter in hand.
  • Risk management. Detecting, analysing and measuring risks, understanding their consequences in a long term perspective and acting to reduce them.
  • Adaptability. Adapting one’s behaviour by integrating constraints and opportunities in varying circumstances
  • Client Focus. Ensuring that the client perspective drives all initiatives. Making sure to act to the client’s satisfaction by understanding their needs and providing them with the best suiting solution;
  • Decision-making skills. Making clear choices in a timely fashion, communicating them and accepting the consequences, taking into consideration the environment and governance in place.
  • Self-Control. Reacting in calm and firm manner in difficult situations so as to keep delivering a good performance. Mastering one’s reactions and acting with a clear understanding of the situation.
  • Sharing knowledge. Sharing one’s knowledge and experience, providing explanations in a coherent and structured manner, so as to enable others to put them in practice.
  • Strategic thinking. Looking at things with a logical and sound judgement. Acting with a sense of broader perspective, recognizing important issues from details. Keeping track of long term objectives
  • Team work. Co-operative and proactive attitude
  • Ability to report. Keeping management and key stakeholders informed about current activities and their progress in an effective way. Drawing attention towards useful information, risks and sensitive points.
  • A practical approach to problem analysis and solving
  • Integrity. Acting ethically, in compliance with what is said and respecting the company’s values and rules.
  • Ability to communicate clearly orally and in writing.

Diversity and Inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

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Découvrez les métiers de BNP Paribas : Gestion des opérations

Maillons indispensables au bon fonctionnement de notre Groupe, les métiers de Gestion des opérations visent à garantir la satisfaction de nos clientèles et de nos équipes au quotidien. Une activité stimulante, qui fait rimer efficacité et esprit d’équipe.

En savoir plus

Pourquoi je candidaterais ?

Pour quelles raisons je rejoindrais BNP Paribas et pas une autre entreprise ?

Parce que je souhaite...

  • Et si on vous disait que travailler dans notre Groupe, ce n’est pas ce que vous croyez ? Chez BNP Paribas, on exerce une multitude de métiers qui évoluent en permanence pour être en phase avec les attentes des clientes et clients comme de la société. Au travers d’actions du quotidien ou de grands projets, exercer l’un de nos métiers, c’est s’engager pour agir durablement.

  • Se sentir bien dans son job, c’est avant tout venir travailler comme on est.  C’est aussi avoir les moyens d’un bon équilibre entre sa vie professionnelle et sa vie personnelle. Deux engagements majeurs pour BNP Paribas.

  • Chez BNP Paribas, le développement de vos compétences est essentiel, pour vous comme pour nous. Et cela vous servira pour toute votre vie professionnelle.

En savoir plus